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1/ Study and practice of HSHB system (Healthy Spirit in a Healthy Body) 2/ Trial of design of a new CCAML system (Cooperative Context Aware Mobile Learning)

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Presentation on theme: "1/ Study and practice of HSHB system (Healthy Spirit in a Healthy Body) 2/ Trial of design of a new CCAML system (Cooperative Context Aware Mobile Learning)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1/ Study and practice of HSHB system (Healthy Spirit in a Healthy Body) 2/ Trial of design of a new CCAML system (Cooperative Context Aware Mobile Learning) Bertrand DAVID, Chuantao YIN Laboratory LIESP Ecole Centrale de Lyon France Case studies 2 Session

2 HSHB Project: Healthy Spirit in a Healthy Body Aim: using contextual mobile learning to assist the choice of dishes according to nutritional information Bertrand DAVID, Chuantao YIN, René Chalon Laboratory LIESP Ecole Centrale de Lyon France Case studies 2 Session Part 1

3 3  Using mobile device to assist the choice of dishes according to nutritional information based on the contextual mobile learning system design.  Application Environment : university refectory, self-service restaurant. 3 HSHB: Principles and Objective

4 44 HSHB: Principles and Objectives General Use Case Diagram of HSHB System

5 5 1. Initialization 2. Connection to database 3. User identification and personal characteristics and preference 5 Dishes Selection Scenario

6 6 4. Set up a meal 5. Add a dish or menu to the meal 6. Learn just in time the nutrition composition and suggestions 6 Dishes Selection Scenario

7 7 7. Global nutritional evaluation of the meal chosen 8. Logs of user’s choice and exit. 7 Dishes Selection Scenario

8 8  We propose the learning method in the dishes selection as following:  Before dishes selection: understand the main issues of nutritional principles, create personal nutritional plan.  During dishes selection: learn and evaluate just in time the nutritional composition on following suggestions.  After dishes selection: learn about past actions to better understand system indications and suggestions, update personal experiences. 8 Learning Process in HSHB

9 9 SUBWAY eat fresh Nutrition Guide

10 10 SANDWICH OPTIONS SUBWAY eat fresh Nutrition Guide

11 11 SANDWICHES & OTHER FAVORITES SUBWAY eat fresh Nutrition Guide

12 12 SUBWAY eat fresh Nutrition Guide

13 13 SUBWAY eat fresh Nutrition Guide

14 14 How to use the HSHB system?  The system is accessible with you Smartphone, PDA, or portable computer.  Access address: Logins for test:  Normal user:  User: chuantao password: chuantao  Cooker user:  User: david password: david

15 15 How to use the HSHB system? If you are visitor:  At the home page, click on ‘start’, it turns to the page ‘selection of dishes’.  At the page ‘selection of dishes’, look at which dishes are available today in the restaurant.  If your mobile device doesn’t have a RFID reader, your can enter the dish number with keyboard to add the dish to your meal.  If your mobile device has a RFID reader, you can scan the dish card to add the dish to your meal.  The table will show the nutritional information about your selected dishes. Compare it with the suggested amounts for a normal adult body.  If you don’t know about the nutrients, just click on its name (e.g, Fats) to learn more information about it.  If you want to learn more precisely about your meal nutritional information, please contact the administrator to become register user.

16 16 How to use the HSHB system? If you are registered user, besides the above functions, you have more advantages:  Click ‘sign in‘ to enter you user name and password.  The proposed amounts are calculated more accurately in relation with your age, sex, weight, size, sport and professional activity level.  On the section ‘personal information’; you can edit your profile.  You can learn about your meals’ history and nutritional statistics of long term (meal, day, week, etc).  Besides, the user role, the 'cooker' role has the right to make dishes, just click on ‘make dishes’.

17 17 Mobile Learning Summer School Brest: MENU PREVISIONNEL DE LA SEMAINE DU 6 JUILLET AU 12 JUILLET

18 18 Trail of Design of a new CCAML system (Cooperative Context Aware Mobile Learning) Aim: using contextual mobile learning to assist the mastering of an appliance Bertrand DAVID, Chuantao YIN, René Chalon Laboratory LIESP Ecole Centrale de Lyon France Case studies 2 Session Part 2

19 19 HMTD: Help Me To Do  Use of the Augmented Reality in maintenance process : movie presentation  Trial of Design of a new CCAML system (Cooperative Context Aware Mobile Learning)

20 20 List of suggested situations and associated documentation Common case study  Hard-disk technical documentation Hard-disk technical documentation Personalized case studies  USB-Key-Carry it Easy User Manual USB-Key-Carry it Easy User Manual  Nikon-Coolpix User's Manual Nikon-Coolpix User's Manual  Nikon-Coolpix- Guide de l’utilisateur Nikon-Coolpix- Guide de l’utilisateur  ROUTE 66 MOBILE 8 User Manual American EnglishOUTE 66 MOBILE 8 User Manual American English

21 21 Global Process and Organization (1/2)

22 22 Global Process and Organization (2/2)

23 23 Working process  Study of documentation and proposal of Learning & Doing Units  Association of Metadata facilitating contextual access  Identification of:  Actor(s)  Appliance concerned  Actions (tasks) to explain, do and learn  Work and Learning Process organization  Tools to be used  Navigation

24 24 Description Form (1/2) Global characteristicsAnswers Group composition Appliance studied EPSS or Web-based KB  EPSS - Electronic Performance Support System  Web-based Knowledge Base Appliance – Wearable computer Communication  No direct communication  One way Wearable computer -> Appliance communication  Two ways communication Learning strategy  Before action  During action  After action Observations:

25 25 Description Form (2/2) QuestionsAnswers For whom (actors)? What (tasks)? Which augmentation?  User Augmentation:  Environment Augmentation:  Appliance Augmentation: With what (Learning Units)? With what (Interactions devices)? Which way (Learning Unit access - navigation process)?

26 26 Thank you!

27 27

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29 29 Case study at Ecole Centrale de Lyon

30 30 Case study at Ecole Centrale de Lyon

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