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1 PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE FOR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY IN JAPAN Masashi Kanamori Nuclear Emergency Assistance & Training Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE FOR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY IN JAPAN Masashi Kanamori Nuclear Emergency Assistance & Training Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE FOR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY IN JAPAN Masashi Kanamori Nuclear Emergency Assistance & Training Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency 11601-13 Nishi-jusanbugyo, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 、 JAPAN 311-1206

2 2 CONTENTS ■ JCO criticality accident, lessons ■ Preparedness and response ■ International activities ■ Future issues

3 3 JCO CRITICALITY ACCIDENT ■ In September 1999, a criticality accident occurred at JCO in Japan. ■ JAERI and JNC were the designated public organizations to deal with emergency preparedness. ■ Actions taken conformed to the Japanese Basic Law regarding Emergency Preparedness.

4 4 ■ JCO Criticality Accident ■ Exposures were mainly from direct radiations, some rare gases and radioactive iodine were released into the environment, but the effect was small. ■ As the tank and the building were not damaged, most of the fission products were confined in the tank. ■ JAEA-Technology 2009-079, JCO Criticality Accident Termination Operation ■ The accident was rated as level 4 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.

5 5 Lessons learned from the criticality accident ■ initial responses and communications ■ Authority, responsibility and decision making ■ Radiation measurements and medical responses ■ Regulatory Systems

6 6 Establishment of the various systems ■ The Law of Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Disasters was enacted in December 1999 . ■ The Basic Plan for Emergency Preparedness was revised clarifying roles and responsibilities of the related organizations. ■ An OFC would be designated in a case of emergency as the base for implementing responses. ■ JAEA/NEAT is expected to assist the staff of the OFC as the designated public organization.

7 7 Legislation in Special Law of Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Disaster ■ Assignment of Off-site center ■ designation of the special nuclear disaster preparedness officer ■ Implementation of nuclear emergency exercises ■ Nuclear emergency plans for nuclear industries ■ Establishment of adequate radiation monitoring systems

8 8 Actions defined by Law Article-10: Disaster preparedness manager shall inform the competent minister, governor and local authorities of the defined incidents. Article-15: In the case of a nuclear disaster the competent minister shall report the situations to the Prime Minister who will in turn declare a disaster. Article-10 Article-15 0.05-0.1 μ Sv/h (normal dose rate) 5 μ Sv/h 10 min 500 μ Sv/h 10 min

9 Organizational arrangements for nuclear emergency response ■ The organizational arrangements in nuclear emergency preparedness in Japan are provided by the Laws. ■ OFC would play an important roll in the negotiations with the related organizations. ■ The government have established the NEAT to fulfill these activities effectively for assisting the OFC.

10 10 Organizational arrangements for nuclear emergency response Local Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters The Joint Council of Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures Headquarter of cities, towns, villages NEAT Cen ter License Holder Technical support Organization related to disaster preparedness Police JNES Fire Station NIRS Self-Defense Forces NUSTEC Headquarter of prefecture Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters Chairman: Prime Minister Off-site Center Nuclear Safety Commission Cabinet Office METI MEXT Ministry of Defense Fire and Disaster Management Agency National Police Agency ● ● ● ● ● ●

11 11 advice NEAT Off-site Center information Specialists Nuclear Company instruction Evacuation Sheltering Public Monitoring Central Government advice Radiation Protection Nuclear Safety Commission Local Government Specialists

12 12 Off site center ( 22 places in Japan ) NEAT Center ( Ibaraki Prefecture ) is technical assistance base of JAEA Fukui branch office of NEAT Center (Fukui Prefecture) Off-site center is regional activity base for nuclear emergency response

13 Exercises planned by centra1 and local governments, etc. ■ Many kinds of exercises and drills are conducted in the related organizations. ■ These exercises are integrated as a full-scale national exercise which is planned and carried out every year. ■ This scheme is shown in the next figure. ■ The staff of NEAT attends these exercises and support technically by dispatching specialists and providing special vehicles, etc.

14 14 Exercises planned by central and local governments ■ Many kinds of exercises and drills are conducted by the related organizations. ■ These exercises are integrated as a full-scale national exercise which is planned and carried out every year. ■ This scheme is shown in the figure on page 16. ■ The staff of NEAT attends these exercises and provide technical support by dispatching specialists and providing special vehicles, etc.

15 15 Objectives of nuclear emergency exercises ■ to assess the level of preparedness of each organization and its staff to react to a simulated emergency ■ to assess the ability of the staff as to establish whether information sharing and cooperation among related organizations ■ to inform affected persons including residents

16 16 Purposes of the national exercise ■ To ensure the initial response and communication ■ To improve the public relation activities ■ To test a evacuation by personal vehicles ■ To ensure the speedy and safe evacuation of the physically and mentally challenged

17 Organizational arrangements for nuclear emergency response ■ The organizational arrangements in nuclear emergency preparedness in Japan are provided by the Laws. ■ OFC would play an important roll in the negotiations with the related organizations. ■ The government have established the NEAT to fulfill these activities effectively for assisting the OFC.

18 18 Full-scale National Exercise Annual exercise for all the relevant parties One selected prefecture, with evacuation of residents, Decision maker (utterance based) Scenario, narrative based stimulated Annual Prefectural Exercise (one prefecture a year, organized by the prefecture) Mainly decision making process in the Off Cite Center, partial exercise Disaster specialists drill who have to lead OFC activities Drill for the relevant transport groups Exercises for the facilities regulated by MEXT Basic training for every function of the full scale National Exercise Exercise for large scale earthquake on DP Day Partial National exercise Prefectural Exercise OFC Drill Disaster specialist Drill Transport Accident Drill MEXT Exercise Basic Training, DP Day government exercise Over View of Annual Exercises in Japan DS : Disaster specialist MinistriesNISACabinet Purpose and Feature Local Gov.OFC

19 19 Evaluation methods of the national exercise ■ All the responses including alert times, announcements etc. are recorded by the assistants of the evaluators. ■ Questionnaires are distributed to all the participants. ■ Records and Questionnaires are assessed by specialists assigned by external organizations.

20 20 Feedback from exercises ■ Lessons leaned through the results reviewed in meetings after the exercises. ■ Outcomes are summarized and incorporated into existing manuals

21 21 Comprehensive exercise in Ibaraki prefecture ■ The central government and the Ibaraki prefectural government carried out the comprehensive exercise in December 2009. ■ The exercise was conducted at Unit 2 of Tokai nuclear power station, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki prefecture. ■ The exercise was carried out by 120 organizations such as the central government, local governments, etc. and about 3,200 persons participated. ■ In this exercise the evacuation of local residents by various means including evacuation by residents' own vehicles

22 22 ■ Exercise in Ibaraki prefecture

23 23 Exercise for Malicious Acts ■ Tokyo metropolitan government carried out exercises to practice responses to large-scale terrorist incidents in November 2007. (In this scenario a series of terrorist attacks involving “dirty bombs” and the dissemination of chemical agents were carried out.) ■ In February 2010, the central government and the Kanagawa prefectural government carried out map training exercises using the same scenario. ■ The staff of NEAT also attended these exercises and provided technical support.

24 Exercise in TOKYO metropolitan government (1)

25 25 Exercise in TOKYO metropolitan government

26 Exercise in TOKYO metropolitan government (3)

27 27 Activities of NEAT Main activities of NEAT ■ P romoting disaster preparedness activities. ■ Dispatching specialists and providing emergency equipment and materials. ■ Providing monitoring equipment for emergencies and supporting monitoring activities. ■ Responding to accidents in the transportation of nuclear fuel. ■ Providing training and exercises for disaster preparedness.

28 28 ■ NEAT Center and IBARAKI-OFC Training bldg. IBARAKI-OFC Main bldg. Material Garage Heliport

29 ■ History of NEAT Sep. 1999 Criticality Accident at Tokai Dec. 1999 The Law of Special Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures was enacted Jan. 2000 Setting up the section for preparing Emergency Assistant & Training Center in JNC Apr. 2001 NEAT was set up in JNC in Cooperation with JEARI. Beginning of Facilities Construction Mar. 2002 Beginning of NEAT Facilities Operation Oct. 2005 Japan Atomic Energy Agency was founded

30 ■ Role of NEAT ■ In an Emergency - NEAT support emergency response by dispatching specialist and supplying special equipments, - And was follow up support including supplying information. ■ During Normal Time Education and training of all types of personnel involved in activities from special officer disaster prevention to local government staff, fire fighter, police and help workers.

31 ■ Legal Role of JAEA at Nuclear Emergency ■ Designated Public Organizations - Basic Law on Emergency Preparedness ■ Dispatch of experts and Supplying special equipments ‐ Basic Plan for Emergency Preparedness ■ NEAT Center is the disaster response support base facilities of JAEA -Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures Manual

32 Overview of NEAT System ■ Nationwide Communication Network System ■ Terminal of Nationwide Emergency Support System - SPEEDI, ERSS and Nationwide Environmental Monitor System ■ Emergency Pager System ■ Geographical Information System ■ Information Sharing System ■ Telephone Service System ■ Information Database System ■ Media Monitor System

33 ■ Supporting System for Disaster Countermeasures Nationwide Communication Network System Emergency Center of the Central Government Off-site Center Dedicated Line General Circuit Satellite NEAT Internet Circuit Mobile Type Command Vehicle

34 Geographical Information Data

35 Information Sharing System

36 Telephone Service Room

37 Media Monitor Room

38 ■ Special Vehicles and Devices ■ Body Surface Contamination Monitoring Vehicle ■ Whole Body Counting Vehicle ■ Body Washing Vehicle ■ Command Vehicle ■ Environment Monitoring Vehicle ■ Delivery Vehicle ■ Radiation Measuring Instruments

39 Surface contamination monitoring vehicle Whole body counting vehicle

40 Command vehicle Delivery vehicle

41 ■ Training and Education ■ Fostering Emergency Responding Personnel - Basic Training in Emergency Response a. Risk Management Training b. Planning of Nuclear Emergency Exercise c. Public Relation during Nuclear Emergency Situation - Training for Specialist - Training for NEAT Personal

42 Emergency Exercise Team training at OFCHeadquarters of OFC

43 ■ Participating in Disaster Prevention Exercise Specialist boarding ( Fukuoka airport )

44 ■ Participating in Disaster Prevention Exercise Specialist boarding ( Ibaraki airport )

45 45 Surface contamination monitoring vehicle Whole body counting vehicle

46 46 International activities ■ JNES and JAEA have been providing technical support to IAEA and providing assistants with Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) activities. ■ A NEAT representative led a topical group on emergency preparedness and response under the frame work of ANSN. ■ JNES and JAEA also organized various meetings and workshops to strengthen emergency preparedness in Asian countries.

47 47 Future issues ■ Functions of Emergency related organizations will continue to be tested in emergency exercises. ■ We are continuing to improve the systems in emergency preparedness and response in Japan. ■ The knowledge gained by the various organizations mentioned in this report can then be shared with other Asian counties. ■ The IAEA plays an important roll in providing funds and opportunities. ■ It is also important to further our research on such issues as RDD and consolidate our recovery phase programs.

48 48 Thank you for your attention.

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