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The National Connection for Local Public Health Local Preparedness Efforts Carol Moehrle RN, BSN Public Health Director Idaho.

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Presentation on theme: "The National Connection for Local Public Health Local Preparedness Efforts Carol Moehrle RN, BSN Public Health Director Idaho."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Connection for Local Public Health Local Preparedness Efforts Carol Moehrle RN, BSN Public Health Director Idaho

2 NACCHO NACCHO represents the nation’s nearly 3000 local public health Departments. These city, county, metro, district, and tribal departments work every day on the front lines to protect their communities from public health threats.

3 Local Public Health Survey – March 07 77% of LHDs receive CDC cooperative agreement funds –Funds used for: Mass prophylaxis or vaccination plans and exercises All hazard preparedness plans Implementing NIMS Training public health workers in emergency response New or improved communication systems Public education

4 Funding Cutback to Local Public Health 62% of LHDs experienced an impact from cuts to the FY 06 CDC preparedness funding. 28% reduced staff time on preparedness 27% were forced to delay completion of preparedness plans 25% delayed acquisition of equipment 19% delayed completion of exercises and drills.

5 Pandemic Influenza funding 84% of LHDs surveyed received a portion of the pandemic influenza supplemental funds. As of March 07, –87% had completed or developed specific pan flu plans –84% had conducted public education activities –68% had conducted workforce training –67% had completed pan flu exercises

6 Have we made progress ? October 2001 only 21% of LHDs had plans April 2004 95% reported an increased level of preparedness August 2007 90% of LHDs have accomplished: –Planning –Training –Implementation of NIMS –Improved communication

7 Idaho Perspective

8 Return on Investment Improved ability to respond effectively to everyday emergencies, events, new and emerging threats. –Flu vaccine clinics –Smoke evacuation from Forest Fires –Refugee medication dispensing –Hepatitis mass vaccination clinics

9 Return on Investments Preparation for Special Olympics Rabies outbreaks TB isolation orders New Partnerships and relationships –School districts –Mortuaries –Business community –Pharmacists –Veterinarians

10 Challenges Improving will never be complete. There is a continuous process of training, exercising and improving plans based on the exercises. Interrupting this process through funding cuts would take the nation’s Public Health Preparedness backwards. New capacities and capabilities that are now in place cannot be sustained without sustained funding.

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