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The space sector in Romania: challenges and opportunities

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1 The space sector in Romania: challenges and opportunities
Paris Space Week 2015 4th February 2015 The space sector in Romania: challenges and opportunities On behalf of Prof. Marius-Ioan Piso, President&CEO Romanian Space Agency

2 Content History Governance: Romanian Space Agency
RDI policy framework: RO priorities Ro Space strategy implementation: main instruments Resources Opportunities Our objective for today is to make you a little bit more aware about Romania. For this half of hour and for later discussions we prepared a history of space and space related activities om Romania’s teritory

3 History Antiquity: Dacian Sundial, Sarmisegetuza Regia
Middle Age: Milky way (Slaves way) 1529: Conrad Haas — builder of the multistage rocket with delta stabilizing, Sibiu 1910: Henry Coanda, designer and constructor of the first jet plane Herman Oberth, Elie Carafoli 1968:the establishment of the"Romanian Commission for Space Activities” 1972: the first Ro participation to a space experiment (Interkosmos 6) ‘70s: collaboration with NASA and CNES 1981: Dorin Dumitru Prunariu, Romania’s first astronaut 1991: the establishment of the Romanian Space Agency – ROSA 2007: Romania, Member State of the European Union 2011:Romania, the 19th Member State of the European Space Agency Space fascinated human beeing everywere. It was survived in nowadays it is in good shape a Dacian Sundial, made by stone with a few meters diameter

4 Romanian Space Agency ROSA - National Space Agency established 1995
Public organization in the system of the Ministry responsible for Research and Technology Representative and Coordinator of space activities in Romania Financing agency for research in Space, Aeronautics and Security Research Developer and integrator of its own RTD programmes by the ROSA Research Centre (RRC)

5 Romanian Space Agency ROSA – national representative for:
European Union: GNSS Supervisory Authority, GMES Committee, FP7 and Horizon 2020 programme committees for Space, Security research, Aeronautics and Galileo, HSPG, Space Working party, Space Council) UN – COPUOS (former chair STS and Committee) NATO and EDA specific issues COSPAR, IAF, GEO, Eurisy, ESPI, other bilateral agreements with national agencies (NASA, CNES).

6 Identification of RDI smart specialization priorities of Romania

7 Romanian Research, Development and Innovation Strategy 2014 – 2020
Based on the analysis of the RDI market in Romania and according to the methodological guidelines specified in the European “Guide for Research and Innovation Strategies based on Smart Specialisation”(RIS3) the National RDI Strategy identifies the following thematic priorities for the public RDI investments in the period 2014‐2020: Bio‐economy (agriculture and forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, food, biotechnologies and bio‐ pharmaceutics); ITC, Space and Security; Energy, environment and climate changes; Eco‐nano‐technologies and advanced materials; Health. Included already in the EU – Romania Partnership agreement

8 The Framework for Ro Space Activities
Connecting to the socio-economic system Anticipating change Understanding Space&Earth Measures Grand Challenges Services, products Services, products Society, Policy, Economy& Management Science Technology Application Space Information

9 National Space Strategy
Defined by means of the RTD policy - with effects on both academia and industry Three constant objectives since the 90’s Participation to international space missions and programmes – in particular ESA Development of specific national projects Capacity building at national level Presently ruled by: Romanian Research, Development and Innovation Strategy for National RTD Plan , t.b. followed by National RTD&OC Plan Law no 262/2011 for the ratification of Romania’s accession to ESA’ Convention

10 Strategy implementation: the instruments (I)
National RTD Programmes with space components since 1993 First multiannual RTD Programme , updated in – AEROSPACE , in 2005 – Security Research Second National RTDI Plan 2007 – 2013 including Space and Security as thematic area with a financing of 8% of the total national public RTD budget ESA PECS programme National programme STAR – Space Technology and Advanced Research drafted for Sectorial Operational Programmes –IEC, HRD

11 Strategy implementation: the instruments (II)
Third National RTDI Plan 2014 – 2020 including TIC, Space and Security as priority ESA general budget and programmes, Romania’ participation to ESA’ optional programmes since CMS 2012 National programme STAR – Space Technology and Advanced Research drafted for Sectorial Operational Programme – Competitiveness , Horizon 2020, EC RTDI Framework Programme

12 Programme STAR (I) The Programme for Research-Development-Innovation on Space Technology and Advanced Research – STAR for the period, approved by Law no. 262/2011, is the main instrument of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MECTS) – National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) using Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) as managing organization to provide national support for the implement of the Agreement between Romania and European Space Agency (ESA) regarding the Romania’s Accession to ESA Convention.

13 Programme STAR (II) Specific Objectives
Participation in ESA’s optional programmes: Science /Robotic Exploration Earth Observation (including GMES) Telecommunication and Space Applications Navigation (GNSS and Galileo) Human Space Flight Launchers Space Situational Awareness –SSA Development and operation of micro-satellite missions Development of technologies, systems, sensors and equipment for space, aeronautics, security and related domains

14 RTD and academic framework
More than 90 organizations involved - research, industry, academia More than 800 professionals (550 FTE) 2 Calls for projects since 2012 108 running projects A third call to be launched in 2015 Since 2013 – Centres of competence

15 Industry Framework Traditional companies for aerospace and defense (as ROMAERO, AEROSTAR, IAR, Prooptica, UTI) National subsidiaries of large integrators (as Airbus and Thales, companies from USA and Israel) SME’s - providers for MoD and related SME’s - RTD and downstream services providers National RTD institutes which may act as industry Professional associations: OPIAR, PATROMIL More than 75 entries in EMITS Strategy for defense and security industry 2020 / 2030

16 Centre of Competences in Space Technologies
Name Organisation Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Particles for Radiation Hardeness Testing National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR) Competence Centre for Smart Sensors and Big Data Technology for Space Applications University "POLITEHNICA" of Bucharest - Research Centre for Space Information Centre for Atmospheric REmote Sensing and Space Earth observation National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics INOE 2000 Computer Assisted and Information Feedback Training for Human Spaceflight Support Institute of Space Science (ISS) INCAS Launchers and Space Vehicles Center of Competence National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" (INCAS S.A.) Constanta Space Technologies Competence Centre Dedicated to the Romanian Marine and Coastal Regions Sustainable Development National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa“, Constanta ROmanian nanoSatellite Technology - Competence Centre

17 Resources RO Space RTD Budgets (M Euros) (Including ESA and Eumetsat,
2014 estimated)

18 Researchers Human resources
Time evolution of total number of researchers Distiribution on ST domain

19 Romanian Contribution to the ESA Programmes

20 Mandatory Programmes

21 Optional programmes participation
Earth observation (EOEP, GSC-3, METOP SG) ELIPS Robotic exploration (Aurora MREP-2, Exomars) Launchers – (Ariane CUS, FLPP, Pride) GSTP (Small missions, Proba-3, Nanosatellites) ARTES – (1, 4-5, 14, 20) Navigation (EGEP) SSA (all) PRODEX

22 Science Missions

23 Earth Observation

24 GALILEO ROSA – representative for Galileo since 2003
ROSA – representative for the Galileo RTD for FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 Since 2011 (RO became ESA) are pursued efforts to extend EGNOS to Eastern Europe countries Possible hosting for EGNOS / Galileo ground infrastructure

25 Galileo Programme & Navigation related activities
European GNSS Evolution Programme – 4 Meuro

26 GALILEO EEGS (EGNOS Extension to Eastern Europe) - Extinderea serviciilor EGNOS in Europa de Est – studii si aplicatii statice si dinamice (FP7) EEGS2 (EGNOS Extension to Eastern Europe: Applications) - Extinderea serviciilor EGNOS in Europa de Est: Aplicatii si demonstratii aviatice (FP7) Modernizarea reţelei geodezice şi cadrul legal pentru infrastructura de date spaţiale - Dezvoltarea retelei nationale de statii GNSS permanente (EU ) ARCTIC Test bed Development and Operations - Experimentarea serviciilor maritime si aeronautice similare EGNOS la latudini peste 700 unde acoperirea satelitilor geostationari este defectuoasa (ESA – EGEP) Ionosphere Characterization Monitoring - Studiul influentei ionosferei in GNSS in perioada de maxim al activitatii solare ( ) (ESA – EGEP) SALTOC - Utilizarea GNSS in transportul feroviar (FP7) SAFERDANUBE - Serviciu comercial pentru asistenta in navigatia fluviala cu ajutorul tehnologiilor satelitare (GNSS / EO/ Telecom) (ESA – ARTES 20)

27 GMES / COPERNICUS ROSA – representative for GMES since 2003 and ROSA – representative for the GMES RTD for FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020; since 2012 RO part of the ESA GSC3 programme; Operational applications already implemented – disaster management (floods), Land use / Land cover, Urban applications, Marine and maritime and security. In preparation – mirror site for GMES Sentinel satellites tb located in Romania Collaborative ground segment and data calibration Romania – geographic niche for Black Sea and Lower Danube – the only ESA riparian MS for years

28 GMES / COPERNICUS First mosaic of radar images from Sentinel 1 – Romania was the first country fully covered (ESA News 5 december 2014)

29 Opportunities Collaboration &/or Investments
Romania – indirect support for R&D (fiscal incentives): Enhanced allowance for RD expenditure (120% to be extended to 150%) Accelerated depreciation rate for RD equipment Romania – direct support for RD(&I): National RD&I Plan Operational Programme for Competitivity (FEDR funded) – operation << Credit and venture capital measures for innovative SMEs and research organizations that meet market demands >> (favorable credits including guarantees, interest subsidies and facilitating access to risk capital for innovative SMEs) ESA, EU Programmes

30 Thank you for your attention!
Romanian Space Agency (ROSA)  

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