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Time series monitoring in Japan (Introduction of Odate collection and Odate project) Hiroya Sugisaki ・ Kazuaki Tadokoro ・ Sanae Chiba.

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Presentation on theme: "Time series monitoring in Japan (Introduction of Odate collection and Odate project) Hiroya Sugisaki ・ Kazuaki Tadokoro ・ Sanae Chiba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time series monitoring in Japan (Introduction of Odate collection and Odate project) Hiroya Sugisaki ・ Kazuaki Tadokoro ・ Sanae Chiba

2 Regular sampling lines organized by Japan Meteorological Agency (from K.Tadokoro:TNFRI) Zooplankton has been collected seasonally since 1972 *P は pollution の略 PM-line PH-line PK-line PN-line PA-line winter/summer

3 Sampling stations organized by Fisheries Research Agency and local fisheries research institutes T,S and Zooplankton biomass has been researched since early1950s in order to forecast fisheries condition ODATE collection/data area

4 Active projects on field monitoring study in FRA,Japan A-Line(current: 1990~) O-Line(current: 2002~) Odate Project(retrospective :1950~2000)

5 A-Line well organized by HNF and TNFRI (PI: Tsuneo Ono) 140141142143144145146147 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 N1 N2 N3 N4 L a t i t u d e ( d e g r e e N ) Longitude (degree E) Hokkaido Honshu Akkeshi A1 A4 A11 A15 A7 5-8 cruises/yr. since1990 not only standard oceanographical monitoring, but also mechanisms of biological production or biological carbon transportation has been researched

6 What is Odate collection? More than 20000 zooplankton samples (formaline preserved) are stocked at Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency Japan. Long term variation of biomass (total wet weight) of this sample set was analyzed by Dr. Kazuko Odate (Odate, 1994). The samples are still available for identification of species, because preserved condition is good.

7 Sampling, Monitoring The purpose of the zooplankton sampling was routine monitoring of prey abundance of fishery ground and oceanic environment. Zooplankton samples have been collected by several public fisheries institutes in north eastern region of Japan since 1950. Sampling gears are conical standard plankton net (45cm diameter; 0.33mm mesh size). Net was towed vertically from 150m depth layer to the surface.

8 Long term variation of zooplankton biomass based on Odate collection Zooplankton biomass ( mgWW/m 3 ) low HIGH (revised from Odate,1994)

9 Analysis of species composition of zooplankton using Odate collection Mere monitoring on long-term variation of zooplankton Research on the mechanisms of long term variation of ecosystem Information on only total wet weight is not sufficient to analyze the interaction of biological phenomenon and climate change

10 Retrospective analysis of species composition of copepods using Odate collection = Odate Project FY2003-2005 Species composition data base from the Odate Collection reanalysis of species composition from Odate collection, establish the data base H.Sugisaki, T.Kobari, H.Itoh Long term variation of Climate/Physical oceanography analysis of physical effect on long term variation of pceanic ecosystem I.Yasuda, M.Noto Effect of biological production on the interaction between climate change and variation of ocean ecosystem interaction between physical and biological effect H.Saito Long term variation of zooplankton communities and the process of transportation of organic matter through biological processes analysis of mechanism of long term variation of copepods composition and establish the model S.Chiba, K.Tadokoro Financial supported by Japanese ministry of the Environment

11 Identification procedure Copepods were sorted out and identifies into species using newest information on copepod classification. Copepodite stages ( I-V ) of dominant copepods (Neocalanus, Eucalanus, Calanus and Metridia species) were identified. Total number of each classified species and life stage category were calculated.

12 Temperature of 100m depth # of Samples Year and season # of Detectedspecies OyashioColdcurrent Oyashio-Kuroshiotransition KuroshioWarmcurrent T 100 <5 o C 5 o C<T 100 <15 o C T 100 >15 o C 1528 1358 63 63 (ca. 1200 at the final result) 1960-2001January-November 1960-2000March-September 174 236 1960-1969(1960-2000 result) 145 145(1960’s)


14 Interannual variations of mesozooplankton biomass

15 Hypothesis: top-down control (Tadokoro et al., 2005) Feeding rate of Japanese sardine was estimated 32-138% of Neocalanus production rate in 1984 0 5 10 15 20 Standing stock of sardine (million ton) 707580859095100 Year (+1900) Migrate into the Oyashio during summer

16 OyashioMixed 60708090100 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 60708090100 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 60708090100 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 60708090100 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 PO 4 (m mol m -3 ) Year(+1900) Sea surface Subsurface layer 18.6 yr tide cycle Hypothesis: bottom-up control (Tadokoro et al., PICES XV)

17 -56% -64% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 PO 4 (m mol m -3 ) PO 4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 60708090100 0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 60708090100 Year (+1900) Oyashio Mixed biomass (g m -2 ) N. Plumchrus biomass had significant relationship with PO 4. Those relationships suggests the change in nutrients condition affect N. plumchrus biomass due to change the primary productively. -91% -92% Hypothesis: bottom-up control (Tadokoro et al., PICES XV)

18 Hypothesis: Phenological change (Chiba et al., 2006)

19 Lower tropic level responses to the 1976 and 1988 RS : (winter-spring processes) ( Chiba et al, submitted, PO ) After the mid 1970s After the late 1988s

20 World-wide Collaborative research is necessary CMarZ should be a good platform In order to reveal the mechanisms of variability of ecosystems,

21 The result will be open at the web site near future (Ex.) Long term variation of abundance of Neocalanus plumchrus (Ex.) distribution map of Neocalanus plumchrus

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