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5.01 Understanding the decision making process as a component of career planning. Let the choices you make today be the decisions you can live with tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "5.01 Understanding the decision making process as a component of career planning. Let the choices you make today be the decisions you can live with tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.01 Understanding the decision making process as a component of career planning. Let the choices you make today be the decisions you can live with tomorrow.

2 Types of Decisions by importance Routine Made often Often so minor that one probably does not even know they make them. Usually required little thought Major Are normally the toughest because they guide your careers and personal lives Tends to have lasting effects on a person and normally take resources to decide

3 Categories of Decisions 1.P ersonal Examples Family Friends Relationships 2.W ork/Career Examples Where to work Job performance Transferring jobs 3.C onsumer Examples Making purchases Food Services Cars Houses 4.L ifestyle Example Where do you want to live?

4 7 Decision Making Styles

5 1)A gonizer Spends a lot of time making decisions What college should I attend?

6 2)M ystic Makes decision based on intuition Using a hunch or your gut feeling to make a decision

7 3)F atalist Feels that he/she has no control over decisions

8 4)E vader “ostrich style” – Ignores the decision “If I can’t see it, it didn’t happen”

9 5)P lunger Makes “impulsive” decisions An example of impulse decision making is purchasing a car, without thinking about the purchase.

10 6)S ubmissive Let’s an authority figure make a decision

11 7)P lanner Thoughtful decision maker – Makes decisions using the Decision Making Process Use the decision making process when purchasing a house or deciding on a college.

12 7 Steps of the Decision Making Process

13 1. Determine Needs/Wants Define the problem Determine what the question or concern is and its importance to your life Options for career Options for educational experiences

14 2. Analyze Personal Resources Identify Resources Make a list of your available resources to help you reach your goals; time, money, material, information, facilities, people Human resources Aptitudes Abilities Friends/Family/ Teacher Nonhuman resources Car Savings account

15 3.Gather information Consider the Alternatives Explore all options open to you Weigh the advantage and disadvantages Ask yourself? Will this decision have a bad effect on me, my goals or anyone else? Will I be happy with this decision? Will this help me reach my goals? Is it illegal?

16 4. Establish Goals Set specific goals for yourself Identify what you want to accomplish from the decisions you make

17 5. Make a Decision Make a choice Choose a decision that will better help you reach your goals Be happy with your choices

18 6. Plan to Reach Your Goal Implement the decision Put your plans into action

19 7. Evaluate the results Judge how successful your plan was. Did it solve your problem? Did you meet your goals? This will help you with future decision making skills

20 Are there any benefits for using the process? Increases chance of reaching personal and career goals. Increases opportunity to gain related knowledge and experience. Increases chance of personal satisfaction/fulfillment Affirms the difference between a series of jobs versus the career development process. Can easily recognize the need to redirect goals as needed. Provides a direct course of action for reaching personal and career goals.

21 Career Development Process and the importance of it 1.S teps of the career development cycle 1. A wareness 2. E xploration 3. P lanning 2.C areer decision making 1)D etermine needs/wants 1)O ptions for career 2)O ptions for educational experiences 2)A nalyze personal resource 1)T ime 2)M oney 3)M aterial 4)I nformation 5)F acilities 6)P eople

22 3)G ather information 1)S elf information 1)L ifestyle goals 2)P ersonality 3)F amily/marriage 4)R oles 5)S tructure of living 1)G eographic for living 2)R ural vs urban 3)H ousing 4)N eighborhood 6)P reference for meeting educational requirements

23 2.C areer information 1. e nvironment 2. e ducation/training requirements 3. s alary/benefits 4. w ork values 5. d uties/responsibilities 6. a ptitude/ability requirements 7. c areer outlook 8. W orking schedule 9. L ifestyle goals 10. I nterests 11. V alues

24 4.E valuate options/make a decision 4.O ptions for career 5.O ptions for education – college/training program/major 5.P lan to reach personal and career goals

25 What will influence my decision making? Personal priorities Lifestyle consideration Health Relationships Family upbringing Resources Education Religion

26 Culture Beliefs Values Biases/Stereotypes Environment Home School Community

27 What is the impact on career decisions based on education, work and family? Trade offs/compromises Impact of education Pre requisite acquisition Financial aid Location of programs Time Impact of work Overtime work Schedule Travel Benefits Locations Impact of family Family work history Influence of parents on career development Family issues impacted by career decisions Childcare Eldercare

28 Impact of family friendly programs on site childcare programs On site services (banking, uniforms, etc) Schedule Flex time Job sharing Telecommuting Flexible spending accounts Counseling/employee assistance program Family Medical Leave Act

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