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PREVENTATIVE SERVICES In 1999 the Department of Health issued guidance on the development of preventative strategies in Local Authority Circular LAC (99)

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Presentation on theme: "PREVENTATIVE SERVICES In 1999 the Department of Health issued guidance on the development of preventative strategies in Local Authority Circular LAC (99)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PREVENTATIVE SERVICES In 1999 the Department of Health issued guidance on the development of preventative strategies in Local Authority Circular LAC (99) 14 All local authorities were required to develop an agreed preventative strategy This strategy would be in line with the principle of promoting independence set out in the White Paper “Modernising Social Services” In response to LAC(99) 14 Middlesbrough SSD developed its own preventative strategy 1999/2002

2 PREVENTATIVE SERVICES In July 2003 the Preventative Agenda Group identified low level service provision that could be provided as an alternative to mainstream services. Due to extreme budgetary pressures this proposal was not implemented In 2003 an unsuccessful application was submitted for NRF funding to provide low level preventative services for older people by volunteers In November 2004 the Executive member for Social Care and Health Approved a proposal to deliver low level preventative services via a consortium of voluntary agencies in partnership with the local authority

3 THE AIMS OF LOW LEVEL PREVENTATIVE SERVICES To enhance the quality of life of older people To assist older people to maintain their independence To help older people to achieve their aspirations to continue living in their own homes for as long as is practicable To enable older people to exercise choice and control over their lives To combat social isolation and loneliness which can result in problems of morbidity and poor health behaviours

4 THE AIMS OF LOW LEVEL PREVENTITIVE SERVICES CONTINUED By addressing the previous factors at an early preventative stage reduce the likelihood of older people requiring more expensive and costly interventions To encourage disadvantaged members of the community to become socially active and participate in community activities

5 BENEFITS OF LOW LEVEL PREVENTATIVE SERVICES They make an important contribution to the prevention agenda Significant reduction in the likelihood of future admissions to residential/nursing care They promote the independence of older people by providing services that do not require community care assessment before services can be accessed Services will be affordable or free No means testing involved

6 BENEFITS OF LOW LEVEL PREVENTATIVE SERVICES CONTINUED Provides targeted services that the public prioritised during the consultation exercise undertaken as part of the review of Fair Access to Care Services in March 2004 Provides opportunities for volunteers from local communities to assist older people to continue to reside and participate in their preferred social environment

7 CURRENT INITIATIVES IN RESPECT OF PREVENTATIVE SERVICES Developing a consortium of voluntary agencies in partnership with the Department of Social Care providing low level preventative care for older people. Development of Directory of Services Development of Brochure of Services for older people based upon the Walsall Model Prevention Task Group

8 CONSORTIUM OF VOLUNTARY AGENCIES Unique collaboration between WRVS, Age Concern, Salvation Army, RSVP and the Department of Social Care. Pilot funded by NRF monies in the first year To establish a consortium To develop low level preventative services To be service sustainable through charges to users To build upon existing services and expertise Single point of referral for all services

9 CONSORTIUM OF VOLUNTARY AGENCIES CONTINUED To develop services across the whole of Middlesbrough Provide employment for local people To utilise common user friendly documentation across the agencies No means testing Develop options for charging dependent upon cost and type of service To provide services via local volunteers and paid staff

10 LOW LEVEL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONSORTIUM Befriending service Provide services to reduce the incidence of distraction burglaries in respect of older people Low level domestic support Tidy garden areas Collect pensions and prescriptions Fit home security equipment ( chain and belts) Fit sensory loss equipment Accessible social transport

11 LOW LEVEL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONSORTIUM CONT Change plugs, fuses, light shades and small repair jobs Provide opportunities for older people to participate as volunteers.

12 DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Contains information in respect of all preventative services available in Middlesbrough Is available to all operational social work staff to enable them to signpost service users and carers to alternative services Provides lists of care homes, domiciliary care providers etc. Identifies any access service criteria operated by the organisation/agency Identifies if there are any charges for services

13 RESOURCES DIRECTORY OLDER PEOPLE Based upon directory produced in Walsall Developed on a multi-agency basis User friendly with large print for people with visual impairment Enables people to access services directly without a referral via statutory agencies Will be available in public libraries, GP surgeries etc Can be updated with a minimum cost

14 Prevention task group Chaired by Executive Director of Social Care Involves statutory and voluntary agencies Remit to identify and develop preventative services in Middlesbrough Currently developing a survey to identify unmet need. Survey to be sent to both organisations and service users This is part of a comprehensive mapping exercise

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