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Enhancing Student Learning with eBriefcases Dr. Newton Smith, Associate CIO Dr. Carol Burton, Assistant VC, Undergraduate Studies Western Carolina University.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Student Learning with eBriefcases Dr. Newton Smith, Associate CIO Dr. Carol Burton, Assistant VC, Undergraduate Studies Western Carolina University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Student Learning with eBriefcases Dr. Newton Smith, Associate CIO Dr. Carol Burton, Assistant VC, Undergraduate Studies Western Carolina University Linda James, B2B Technologies With Contributions by Melissa Saenger, Student

2 What is your most memorable and important learning experience?

3 Odds are it is Not in a Class Figuring out something on your own Working in a group on a major project Failing at something and understanding why Discovering abilities you didn’t know you had Making creative connections between different ideas Discovering how people really work

4 How Students Learn Is Changing

5 Social Media Creates New Ways to Learn Information is democratic and dynamic: Wikipedia Easy to locate: Google Distributed: Sorted and vetted: digg Anywhere anytime: cell phones, wireless Amateurs can play: YouTube, Flickr Fun to learn with friends or others: Blogger

6 Here is What WCU is Doing: Our QEP eBriefcase

7 Western Carolina University’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

8 WCU’s QEP- Synthesis: A Pathway to Intentional Learning Develop undergraduates with a clearer purpose at the university—students who are motivated, self-directed, and active participants in their own learning. Provide the learner with ample opportunities to synthesize the university experience, to integrate curricular and co-curricular experiences as the student discovers and strengthens his or her sense of purpose. Assist students, staff and faculty to form a conceptual whole that will integrate academics, residential-life, service and leadership, and personal and work-related goals and activities.

9 Focus on Student Learning Intentional: students encouraged to form lifetime and career goals and act on them Integrated: students prompted to integrate their academic and extracurricular experiences Continuous: students develop and retain learning objects throughout entire college career Engaged: students are expected work in the community and region and apply what they know Public: students select from their learning object to create career portfolios and targeted portfolios

10 Institutional Outcomes Problem solving skills - Complex Effective communication Civic engagement Clarification of values and purpose Integration of knowledge

11 How to Assess

12 A Briefcase Concept A repository of learning objects A place for projects A place to collaborate with others A place for social and personal records A place to prepare and extract formal portfolios

13 Students’ ebriefcase First View is a Template They Can Customize:

14 The Educational eBriefcase Students in charge Includes blogs and wikis Advisors prompts encourage synthesis and goal setting A place for career portfolio and other targeted portfolios Flexible and easy to use Built on world ware technology—SharePoint

15 Student Tasks Advisors can assign students assignments/tasks through the e-briefcase that will appear in the Student Task block.

16 Calendar Students have a Calendar setting to use at Student’s discretion Students simply click: “add new event” Fill out time and dates.

17 Lectures, Seminars Concerts, Exhibits Items are fed in from the Western Carolina Website and displayed on the e-Briefcase to keep students informed.

18 Document Library In the Document Library students can up-load documents of any kind into one location for use throughout their career.

19 Advisor Notes & Discussions A place where advisors can send their advisees a note or have a discussion.

20 Team Site Students can use this function for any type of group project with other students or faculty

21 Other Settings Contacts Career Assessment Links

22 Portfolios Students have the ability to develop different types of portfolios and give permissions to view. – Career portfolio – Targeted portfolios After adding photos, documents, and other material the portfolio can be published and then viewed by others-much like a detailed electronic resume. – Employers

23 Portfolios Introduction Documents Learning Experience About Me

24 Built in Links E-briefcase is very similar to other portals that are offered by WCU with similar features. – MyCat – WebCat – Catamount Connections – Student Handbook – But they can add more

25 Positives from Melissa’s Perspective Electronic resume – Publish – Employer view Access from any computer Communicate with Advisor Connections Build overtime – Community Service – Work Experience – Clubs/Organization – Travel

26 Demo of Student’s Template Lisa James’ eBriefcase

27 Demo of Advisor’s View Peter Gibbons—Advisor

28 Questions?

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