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19 April 2010 Bell Ringer: Quickwrite Where is your favorite place in the city of Chicago? Why? (somewhere outside your neighborhood!)

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Presentation on theme: "19 April 2010 Bell Ringer: Quickwrite Where is your favorite place in the city of Chicago? Why? (somewhere outside your neighborhood!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 19 April 2010 Bell Ringer: Quickwrite Where is your favorite place in the city of Chicago? Why? (somewhere outside your neighborhood!)

2 Life Goals Essay Take out a sheet of paper Take out a sheet of paper Take out your GPA Goal Planning sheet from a few weeks ago Take out your GPA Goal Planning sheet from a few weeks ago Divide it in 4 columns Divide it in 4 columns High SchoolCollegeCareerPersonal Write as many goals as you can for each column Write as many goals as you can for each column

3 Questions to help for high school goals: What do you hope to achieve in high school? What do you hope to achieve in high school? What is your GPA goal? What is your GPA goal? What goals do you have for taking challenging courses? What goals do you have for taking challenging courses? What goals do you have for participating in extracurriculars? What goals do you have for participating in extracurriculars? What goals do you have for receiving particular recognition? What goals do you have for receiving particular recognition?

4 College Goals? What colleges do you want to attend? What colleges do you want to attend? What do you hope to achieve in college? What do you hope to achieve in college? What are your possible majors in college? What are your possible majors in college? What degrees to you hope to earn (bachelor’s, master’s, professional, etc)? What degrees to you hope to earn (bachelor’s, master’s, professional, etc)? What goals do you have for participating in extracurricular activities? What goals do you have for participating in extracurricular activities? What goals do you wish for receiving particular recognition (Dean’s List, graduation honors, etc)? What goals do you wish for receiving particular recognition (Dean’s List, graduation honors, etc)?

5 Career Goals? In what profession are you most interested? In what profession are you most interested? What will you need to do to prepare for this career? What will you need to do to prepare for this career? What position would you hope to attain within this profession? What position would you hope to attain within this profession? How might this career enhance/improve your life? How might this career enhance/improve your life?

6 Personal Goals? By what values do you strive to live? By what values do you strive to live? What commitment would you like to make to your family? What commitment would you like to make to your family? What commitment would you like to make to your community? What commitment would you like to make to your community? What lifestyle do you envision for yourself? What lifestyle do you envision for yourself? Where would you like to live? Where would you like to live? What special interest do you hope to pursue? What special interest do you hope to pursue?

7 High School CollegeCareerPersonal 3.5 GPA Be a teacher Live in a house Take 2 AP classes Make Dean’s List Be a leader in school Help in community (service!) Get into NHS 4 yr private school Make a difference Modest lifestyle Valedictorian Valedictorian French and Teaching Help students Take care of family Be President of club Study abroad Service/volunteer Retire in France with husband

8 Need at least five goals for each section Need at least five goals for each section Highlight your top two goals for each category Now concentrate on your high school goals Out of your five, what are the three top goals? Think for a moment what you have done and still need to do in order to achieve these goals.

9 BRAINSTORM For each high school goal (your top three) you need to make a web/cluster For each high school goal (your top three) you need to make a web/cluster Put the goal in the middle Put the goal in the middle On the left side, write what you are already doing/ have done to accomplish this goal On the left side, write what you are already doing/ have done to accomplish this goal On the right side, write what you still need to do in order to accomplish the goal On the right side, write what you still need to do in order to accomplish the goal

10 3.5 GPA Study hard Come to school every day Be organized, use AVID Binder as instructed

11 3.5 GPA Continue to study hard Take honors and AP classes (weighted scale) Go to tutoring and ask questions

12 SHARE! Share with a partner next to you the three goals you brainstormed about Share with a partner next to you the three goals you brainstormed about Do you need to add anything else? Do you need to add anything else? Did you chose the right three goals to focus on? Did you chose the right three goals to focus on? Give advice to your partner and talk about your goals. Give advice to your partner and talk about your goals.

13 Quickwrites! Take five minutes for the following questions (You can write under your clusters): 1.Why are these goals important to you? 2. Transform your first goal cluster into one paragraph (add punctuation, other ideas, transitions, more details. 3. Transform your second goal cluster into one paragraph (add punctuation, other ideas, transitions, more details. 4. Transform your third goal cluster into one paragraph (add punctuation, other ideas, transitions, more details.

14 Rubric Rubric “Explanation of Life Goals” Example “Explanation of Life Goals” Example –Read –Get into groups of 3 –Grade the paper according to the rubric –What grade to you give the author? Why?

15 Due Dates: 1 st Draft: April 30 1 st Draft: April 30 2 nd Draft: May 7 2 nd Draft: May 7 Final Draft: May 14 Final Draft: May 14 With your final draft, make sure to turn in all pre-write work that was done in class these past few days With your final draft, make sure to turn in all pre-write work that was done in class these past few days

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