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Is Quantitative “Better” Than Qualitative Research For Dissertation Work? Victor M. Hernandez, Ph.D. University of South Florida 6 th Annual Doctoral Retreat.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Quantitative “Better” Than Qualitative Research For Dissertation Work? Victor M. Hernandez, Ph.D. University of South Florida 6 th Annual Doctoral Retreat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Quantitative “Better” Than Qualitative Research For Dissertation Work? Victor M. Hernandez, Ph.D. University of South Florida 6 th Annual Doctoral Retreat ▪ March 5, 2005 Department of Adult, Career and Higher Education

2 Navigating dissertation work The doctoral dissertation is often viewed as an ominous black cloud, looming over the All-But- Dissertation-Student's head (Frank, 1984; Rudestam & Newton, 1992) Navigating the initial stages of dissertation: Dilemma of choosing a research approach

3 The notion of “doing” research Quantitative research: Method of choice to collect “hard” data – –Following this route by default: The more complex and sophisticated, the better! – –Perceived more prestigious and respectable option Qualitative research: Seen as less rigorous due to “soft” data – –An easier ride for dissertation work? (No more statistics courses!) – –Perceived as less prestigious and respectable option

4 I Is quantitative “better” than qualitative research for dissertation work? In this session, we will examine how to sort out what approach may be better for your dissertation work In the process, we will identify major types of quantitative and qualitative research approaches …And we will also address the implications of these options on your doctoral preparation

5 Pinpointing what causes what with certainty Determining relationships Data collection and analysis of numerical data and potential for generalization Seeking fame and fortune all at once: The promise of quantitative research X Y

6 YX Smoking Cancer causes is related to

7 Independent variable manipulated? Relationship? Prediction? Interested in Cause-Effect? YesNo Yes Experimental No Ex-Post Facto Yes Correlational No Descriptive Quantitative Research

8 Y X SmokingCancer But, what if you were interested in…. The culture of smoking?Coping strategies? Emotional impact on the family? How people develop smoking habits?

9 Qualitative Research Purpose: To facilitate the understanding of a social setting or activity Characteristics –Sources of data are in naturalistic settings/situations –Data are descriptive (“what is”?) –Focus on practices, processes as well as outcomes –Seeks understanding from the perspectives of participants (inductive analysis)

10 Qualitative Research Approaches Case studyCase study What are the characteristics of this particular entity, phenomenon, or person? Ethnography What are the cultural patterns and perspectives of this group and its natural setting? EthologyEthology How does the origins, characteristics, and culture of different societies compare to one another? Grounded theoryGrounded theory How is an inductively derived theory about a phenomenon grounded in the data in a particular setting? PhenomenologyPhenomenology What is the experience of an activity or concept from these participants’ perspectives? Symbolic interaction How does people construct meanings and shared perspectives by interacting with others? Approach Key Question

11 So, what’s better? There is no There is no such thing as quantitative research being “better” than qualitative research –It all depends on your grand research question! –Choose a method for the right reasons Think about identifying a good research question first Think about identifying a good research question first –Group differences? –Program effectiveness? –How a program works? –Predicting performance? –Model exploration or confirmation? –The nature of a practice? –How people experience a program? –The genesis and evolution of an idea? Then, your research question should drive the method Then, your research question should drive the method – –Is the method the best approach to frame the inquiry, data collection, and analysis relevant to your research question?

12 Implications for Dissertation Design As early as you can, begin to ask yourself, "What is my question?" "What is my focus or theme?" "What would I like to find out?“ Early identification of your research question will allow you to: –Refine your initial ideas as you take course, become acquainted with relevant literature, and have related discussions with your advisor –Make an informed decision about the best research method (quantitative or qualitative) to develop a plan of inquiry for your question –Sort out research approaches within major research methods (qualitative/quantitative) that are best suited for your plan of inquiry Your dissertation is somehow going to shape your professional life, so… work on something that is challenging and exciting. All along remember keep in mind that it is not important how sophisticated the method is. What is important is how sophisticated you are in using whatever method

13 Implications for Program of Study Be realistic about what you can do based on time limitations, resources, and professional goals Think about the implications for coursework – –For example, if you decide that factor analysis is best suited for your dissertation: What is the series of statistics/research courses you will need to take? Think about the implications for time – –Additional courses on statistics will extend your program of study – –Likewise, qualitative studies may require more time to complete because data collection and analysis may be more time consuming. Also, take into consideration your career goals (teaching/research, administration/) to design your dissertation and related coursework

14 Have a grand dissertation adventure!

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