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Career Cruising ILP 11/3 I can complete the following… BW… Career matchmaker My saved careers My saved schools Why did you pick the careers that are on.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Cruising ILP 11/3 I can complete the following… BW… Career matchmaker My saved careers My saved schools Why did you pick the careers that are on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Cruising ILP 11/3 I can complete the following… BW… Career matchmaker My saved careers My saved schools Why did you pick the careers that are on your ILP? Save Bell Work as BWWeek2 Assignment 1. Career matchmaker 2. My saved careers 3. My saved schools 4. APA Reference List Questions due 11/7 5. Problems in the World Paper due 11/10

2 Career Cruising ILP 11/5 I can… BW… Identify my short and long term goals Save careers into the career clusters that I am interested in. Create post-secondary goals to develop a plan for educational endeavors after high school. What are goals? What goals do you have for this school year? Assignment 1. Career & Life Goals 2. My Saved Clusters 3. Post-Secondary Goals 4. APA Reference List Questions due 11/7 5. Problems in the World Paper due 11/10

3 Career Cruising ILP 11/6 I can… BW… Save careers into the career clusters that I am interested in. Create post-secondary goals to develop a plan for educational endeavors after high school. Record Career Planning Activities Record and identify extra- curricular activities Identify and explain what types of community service that I have been involved in. Explain your next steps of action if you were to graduate from Powell County High School tomorrow. What would you have already done to prepare for this moment? What do you do after you graduate? Assignment 1. Career Planning Activities 2. Organizations & Activities 3. Community Service 4. APA Reference List Questions due 11/7 5. Problems in the World Paper due 11/10

4 Career Cruising ILP 11/7 I can… BR…. (Access ILP & Internet) Document and explain career planning activities. Identify and explain what types of community service that I have been involved in. Identify which classes I need to sign up for my freshman year of high school. (See sample education plan for career) Access the career that interest you most in your saved careers section. Click on the education tab on the left. Scroll down to sample education plan. Highlight and copy this and paste it into your resource file. This will help us on the last I can statement when registering for classes. Assignment 1. Education Plan 2. APA Reference List Questions due 11/7 3. Problems in the World Paper due 11/10

5 Annual ILP Review 11/10 I can… BW… Identify my educational and career goals. What have you learned most about your career this past week. What sacrifices are you going to have to make in order to make this a reality? When do you plan to start? Assignment 1. Annual ILP Review (What career do you want to pursue, post- secondary education options, and why) If you choose professional athlete you need to have a back up plan. 2. Problems in the World Paper due 11/10

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