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Establishment of the Environmental Quality Standard for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District Environmental Offices for Implementation of Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Establishment of the Environmental Quality Standard for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District Environmental Offices for Implementation of Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishment of the Environmental Quality Standard for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District Environmental Offices for Implementation of Water Controls and Monitoring SK 05/IB/EN/01 L. Viarengo CSI Piemonte E. Sada CSI Piemonte C. Sabia Colucci CSI Piemonte C. Gasparetto CSI Piemonte ACEL Agenzia Cooperazione Enti Locali

2 TWINNING SK05/IB/EN/01 b.1 Evaluation of the existing communication network facilities and procedures between local and central offices in charge of environmental controls and monitoring and issuing of relevant authorisations, assessment of upgrading needs vis a vis tasks assigned by the prevailing legislation. b.2 To develop a proposal for establishing communication network links between local and central offices in charge of environmental controls and monitoring and issuing of relevant authorisations, selection of pilot Regions/Districts where the networking system has to be established. b.3 Preparation of technical specifications for hardware and database software needed to implement the envisaged communication network and management information system able to perform the required data transmission and reporting. c.1 Assistance in the preparation of the tender dossier for acquisition of communication network and management information system c.2 Assistance in the tender evaluation and procurement of the communication network and management information system … List of technological goals from the covenant:

3 c.3 Assistance in the installation of the communication network and management information system c.4 Training of the staff of regional and local environmental offices to use the networking facilities in day to day duties as state administrator in charge, based on the experience from the MS state administration practices, will be done by twinning partner. f.3 Additional proposed activity: support for implementation of an internal network (INTRANET) TWINNING SK05/IB/EN/01

4 Achievements from the Activity nr 2: Evaluation of the existing communication network facilities; During technical meetings taken in the first part of the project, STEs acknowledged the HW and SW equipment of the local and central premises of authorities involved in the usage of Water register procedure. A report was given on the current systems. (see mission reports) To develop a proposal for establishing communication network links between local and central offices; Higher importance in respect of the evolution of the network system is given to the cooperation with other public bodies whose data are shared within the administrative procedures: Slovac Inspection Agencies, SEA – Slovac Environmental Agency and Land Registry Office. Under this point of view it should be helpful to know the network infrastructures and organization of these public bodies. In order to develop such a network system STE worked through a proposal highlighted in the document Report on component 2 – activity 2.1.2 and activity 2.2.1. In the following picture it is figured out the architecture:

5 TWINNING SK05/IB/EN/01 Achievements from the Activity nr. 3: Assistance in the preparation of the tender dossier; Despite the late in the activity concerning the preparation and conclusion of the tender activity, due to the management of the project, STE revised document concerning SW procurement, through tecnical meetings taken with SHMU referent persons. See chapter 3 of the above mentioned Report on Component 2 - Activity 2.1.3. Assistance in the tender evaluation and procurement; Some technical meetings were taken in order to share experiences on tender evaluation. Moreover a technical meeting in Piedmont was taken in December 2007 with people of SHMU and tenderee in order to point out the main goal of the application to be implemented, according to previous experiences in CSI. Assistance in the installation of the communication network and management information system; Due to the late installation at SHMU premises of the HW stuff, the activity was performed and completed by the tenderee itself. Only information about the state-of-the-art were given to the STE during the last part of the project. STE provided the tenderee of a list of contents for the user manual of the application. Given specification were provided in document Report on Component 2 - Activity 2.2.2. Preparation of technical specifications for hardware and database software; STE provided user requirements for the system to be implemented and HW technical features to be required in the tender. Technical workshop with study visits in CSI were taken in October 2007 in order to share experiences on existing applications in Piedmont. Given specification were provided in document Report on Component 2 - Activity 2.1.3. Finally STE revised and approved the HW specification for tender given by SHMU.

6 TWINNING SK05/IB/EN/01 Achievements from the Activity nr 3: Training of the staff of regional and local environmental offices; Two workshops were taken by STEs in March and in July 2008 aiming at developing capabilities of regional and local officials in using GIS applications and providing information about main features of the sw developed within Twinning project. During the first workshop, have been explained the following arguments, also with practical activities: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 Lesson 1: the ARCGis suite  introduction about ARCGis and main components of the suite Lesson 2a: basic functions of Arcview and ArcMap  create a new.mxd project - importing geographical data -select layers’ properties - creating thematic (color shaded) maps to display data - Working with layouts Lesson 2b: DATA RETRIEVAL and EXPORT  use selection’s methods: by attributes and by locations - export lyr and shp files Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Lesson 3: EDITING  Adding data: points, polygons and polylines - Joining data and geography files Lesson 4: GIS IN WATER DOMAIN  Examples of GIS applications working in water domain During the second workshop, have been explained the following arguments: Lesson 1: introduction to SEoV  introduction about Seov application - overview of main developed functionalities: editing, reporting, overview, GIS integrated application Lesson 2: basic alphanumerical functions available for Trencin officials  overview of permits: Alphanumerical query - Set constraints - Navigation among data Lesson 3: basic GIS functions available for Trencin officials  GIS application: Connection between SeoV and Map GIS currently availables - use selection’s methods: by attributes (SQL) and by locations (GIS) Given specification were provided in document Report on Component 4 - Activity 4.1.2.

7 TWINNING SK05/IB/EN/01 Achievements from the Activity nr 6: Additional proposed activity: support for implementation of an internal network; SHMU developed its own network infrastructure. Suggestions from STEs were given in order to make a wider extension of the network involving other bodies which the competence in managing water resources belongs to.

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