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Know Your Source! Introduction. Narration What would you do… If your production facility’s water source became contaminated? If you experienced a decline.

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Presentation on theme: "Know Your Source! Introduction. Narration What would you do… If your production facility’s water source became contaminated? If you experienced a decline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Know Your Source! Introduction

2 Narration

3 What would you do… If your production facility’s water source became contaminated? If you experienced a decline in the quantity of water from your source? Do you really know?

4 Course Objectives ●To gain an understanding of the potential business impacts from source vulnerabilities ●To gain an understanding of source water vulnerability and sustainability ●To gain the knowledge necessary to complete the Source Vulnerability Assessment (SVA)

5 Course Objectives ●To understand how the SVA can help protect the quality and quantity of our products and to ensure future growth ●To be introduced to the iLearn, iManage, and iProtect systems

6 Source Water, Vulnerability & Sustainability

7 What is Source Water? Source Water ●Is the water that is supplied to a facility for use in manufacturing operations ●Can be derived from a variety of sources such as: –Surface water –Groundwater It is the main ingredient in all of our products and is essential for our operations

8 Source Water ●The quality of our source water has a direct impact on the quality of our products ●The available quantity of source water is key to sustaining our growth ●Threats to our source water represent threats to our business

9 What is Vulnerability? ●Vulnerabilities to a source are the potential threats that can cause contamination or reduction in a water supply ●It is related to susceptibility, which is the likelihood that those identified vulnerabilities, or potential threats, will impact the source

10 Water Crisis Hits Africa the Hardest April 1, 2005 Factors Affecting Vulnerability Bottled Water Plant Runs into Opposition April 7, 2005 - Central Coast, Australia Water Scarcity: A Looming Crisis? December 19, 2004 ●Reality of threats to source water vulnerability can be seen everyday ●These threats can impact: –Source water quality –Source water quantity

11 ●Contamination caused by human activities ●Naturally occurring elements, such as arsenic ●Overuse of an aquifer or surface water source ●Contamination due to natural disasters Source Water Threats Can Include:

12 Negative Business Impact from Contamination and Naturally Occurring Elements ●Poor source water quality requires more thorough and costly treatment to meet applicable standards ●Poor source water quality if not properly treated can lead to contamination of products ●Contaminated products can negatively impact our Trademark ●Reduction in quality can lead to deceased water supply and production volumes

13 Negative Business Impact from Overuse of an Aquifer or Surface Water ●Competition with other source water users can lead to a decrease in water supply ●Production increases, without consideration for long-term sustainability, can lead to brand growth limitations or production facility closures ●Public perception of source water over-use can negatively impact the Trademark and the reputation of The Coca-Cola Company

14 Negative Business Impact from Contamination: Natural Disasters ●Natural disasters, such as hurricanes or floods can also result in: –Contamination of source water –A reduction in the quality of source water ●Reduction in quality can lead to decreased water supply and production volumes Negative Business Impacts effect the long term sustainability of our business and water resources

15 What is Sustainability? What is Sustainability? At its most basic level, sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

16 Sustainability is Linked to Three Areas of Interest Sustainability is Linked to Three Areas of Interest Narration

17 What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company? What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company? The Coca-Cola Company’s Manifesto for Growth outlines five key business components for sustainable growth.

18 What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company? What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company? Water is directly linked to our sustainability. Water is a main ingredient in our products as well as a final product in itself. It is critical that we maintain a cost effective and reliable source of water to our facilities. Water is directly linked to our sustainability. Water is a main ingredient in our products as well as a final product in itself. It is critical that we maintain a cost effective and reliable source of water to our facilities.

19 What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company? What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company?

20 What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company?

21 What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company?

22 What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company?

23 What is Sustainability to The Coca-Cola Company?

24 Water Resource Sustainability Water resource sustainability is the development and use of water resources in a manner that can be maintained for an indefinite time without causing adverse environmental, economic or social consequences. The Source Water Protection Program is a critical component in the sustainability of this vital resource.

25 Quiz 1 Narration


27 Vision ●This Vision is an essential part of the business model for The Coca-Cola Company manufacturing facilities ●It is socially responsible, cost effective and profitable, which collectively leads to the success of our product in markets around the world ●Each facility will develop their own vision for source water protection

28 Vision We must ensure that everyone in our system understands water as a natural resource, an important ingredient for our product, and an integral part of our lives and business

29 Assessment The Assessment is designed to: ●Aid facilities in characterizing their source vulnerabilities ●Assist facilities with watershed management and protection ●Develop mitigation strategies to protect the quality and quantity of the source

30 Assessment ●The first step is completing a Source Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) ●The SVA must be completed by technical experts and company personnel

31 Goals and Objectives Goals and objectives should be created based on the results of the SVA, using the S.M.A.R.T. methodology ●Specific ●Measurable ●Attainable ●Realistic ●Timebound

32 Action Plan The action plan is created based on the identified goals and objectives in an effort to reduce all vulnerabilities and increase sustainability

33 Action Plan The SVA team: ●Determines and prioritizes specific projects, programs and other activities needed to achieve these goals and objectives ●Integrates projects into the budgetary process

34 Implementation During the Implementation phase, the following should occur: ●Determine the timeline and schedule for implementing the action plan ●Identify the resources required to implement the action plan

35 Implementation During the Implementation phase, the following should occur: ●Understand potential problems and obstacles and create mitigating strategies to overcome obstacles ●Implement an evaluation process to monitor progress and control funding and budgetary restraints

36 Evaluation (and Revision) In order to maintain source protection a system should be put into place which provides: ●Constant monitoring of the action plan ●Evaluation and revision of the plan on a regular basis ●Audits ●Periodic updates to the SVA

37 Evaluation (and Revision) In order to maintain source protection a system should be put into place which provides: ●Quantity and quality tracking ●Trend Analysis ●Capacity Planning ●Sharing of Best Management Practices ● Sharing of cost avoidance “stories”

38 The iLMP System

39 iLearn, iManage, iProtect An integrated system consisting of three components: Training Tools Guidelines And Standards Narration

40 iLearn ●iLearn consists of courses related to the Source Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) and water resource management ●Courses contain: –Objectives –Quizzes and exams –Links to definitions –Movies –Key terms

41 The iLearn system begins with the introductory course “Know Your Source” and continues through the “Final Plan” course

42 iLearn is divided into two (2) levels. Level 1 consists of introductory courses to source water protection while Level 2 consists of more advanced courses. iLearn is divided into two (2) levels. Level 1 consists of introductory courses to source water protection while Level 2 consists of more advanced courses.

43 On the bottom right corner of your screen you will see three buttons; iLearn iManage iProtect. Each button will navigate to the corresponding system when clicked on. On the bottom right corner of your screen you will see three buttons; iLearn iManage iProtect. Each button will navigate to the corresponding system when clicked on.

44 iManage ●The iManage system is a Web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) tool that: –Can be used at production facilities world-wide –Provides a powerful mapping tool with database management functions that allow the storage of site specific data –Allows production facilities to be depicted using x,y coordinates in a mapping environment to allow the analysis of source vulnerability

45 iManage Provides the following tools to assess source water vulnerability: ●Mapping capabilities ●GIS database

46 Mapping Capabilities ●The mapping capabilities in iManage include the following: –Watershed delineation determines the watershed boundaries your production facility exists in –Stream tracing allows you to locate the areas your surface water originates from (upstream trace), and where contamination can occur (downstream trace) Watershed DelineationUpstream TracingDownstream Tracing

47 GIS Database With the GIS Database, the user can store site specific monitoring data

48 Video 1 Narration

49 Video 2 Narration

50 Video 3 Narration

51 Video 4 Narration

52 iProtect ●iProtect provides users with guidelines to evaluate source vulnerability ●iProtect contains worksheets that are directly related to each course in the iLearn system –These worksheets provide a systematic method for collecting information and a rating system to score vulnerability

53 iProtect Worksheets ●Other iProtect worksheets include Scoring Tables that reflect your production facility operations ●As you go through the iLearn modules, you will be provided with a pre-view of some of the corresponding worksheets in iProtect

54 iProtect Worksheets As an example, in iProtect, you will start out by identifying information about your source water using the following worksheet:

55 Vulnerability Scoring This iProtect worksheet summarizes the water quality vulnerability: 3 Narration

56 Significance of Scoring Tables ●Scoring Tables are significant in that they: –Provide a baseline scoring mechanism that reflects potential risks to your production facility –Help target mitigation efforts to focus on specifically identified vulnerabilities Once mitigation activities have been completed, production facilities can rescore their vulnerabilities on a periodic basis

57 Summary

58 ●Source water: –Is utilized by production facilities for manufacturing operations –May be derived from a variety of sources such as surface water or groundwater ●Vulnerabilities to source water are potential threats to quality and quantity

59 Summary ●The vulnerability of source water is associated with ●The susceptibility, or likelihood, of source water to contamination or reduction in volume ●The quality and quantity of source water may have direct business impacts ●Sustainability means fulfilling the current needs of source water demand without compromising the needs of the future

60 Summary ●Sustainability is related to three major interests: –Economic –Social –Environmental ●The Coca-Cola Company’s Manifesto for Growth is a course of action toward sustainable growth

61 Summary ●Water resource sustainability is the development and use of water resources in a manner that can be maintained for an indefinite time without causing adverse environmental, economic or social consequences ●The Source Water Protection Program is a critical component in the sustainability of this vital resource and our business

62 Course Summary ●Source water protection is a six step process: 1.Vision 2.Assessment 3.Goals and objectives 4.Action planning 5.Implementation 6.Evaluation and revision

63 Course Summary… ●Together, iLearn, iManage, and iProtect will help to prepare you for completing the Source Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) ●iLearn consists of courses that teach the user about source water quality and quantity, which greatly affects source vulnerability and sustainability

64 Course Summary ●iManage incorporates information presented in iLearn and allows users to apply it interactively ●The iManage system includes a web-based Geographic Information System with database management capabilities ●iProtect contains worksheets that are directly related to each course in the iLearn system ●iProtect provides users with the ability to characterize their source water vulnerability

65 Final Exam Narration

66 Glossary ●Groundwater: Any water that is found beneath the earth’s surface ●Surface water: All water sources naturally exposed to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, Impoundments, etc.) (return) (return) ●Susceptibility: The tendency or likelihood that contamination will occur and affect a water supply. (return)(return) ●Vulnerability: The threats that can cause contamination in a water supply. (return)(return)

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