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400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 HofstedeGlobeTradingAcronyms Name that Country.

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1 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 HofstedeGlobeTradingAcronyms Name that Country

2 How loosely or tightly people are socially bonded.

3 Individualism/ Collectivism

4 How much people accept inequality of power.

5 Power Distance

6 How strong people desire certainty.

7 . Uncertainty Avoidance

8 How much people embrace stereotypical gender traits.

9 Masculinity/ Femininity

10 The two dimensions that appear on both GLOBE and Hofstedt’s lists.

11 Power Distance & Uncertainty Avoidance

12 How confrontational and dominant individuals are in social relationships.

13 Assertiveness

14 How much people delay gratification by planning and saving.

15 Future Orientation

16 The extent to which society believes excellence should be rewarded.

17 Performance Orientation

18 The degree to which individuals are encouraged to be kind, generous and fair.

19 Humane Orientation

20 Expresses the extent to which people should take pride in their family, close group of friends and their work organization.

21 In-Group Collectivism

22 A group of nations within a geographical region that has agreed to remove trade barriers with one another.

23 Trading bloc

24 A trade barrier in the form of a customs duty or tax, levied mainly on imports.

25 Tariff

26 Its purpose is to provide low- interest loans to developing nations for improving transportation, education, health and telecommunications.

27 World Bank

28 The practice of a foreign company’s exporting products abroad at a lower price than the price in the home market.

29 Dumping

30 Trading status that describes a condition in which a country grants other countries favorable trading treatment such as the reduction of import duties.

31 Most favored nation

32 WTO

33 World Trade Organization

34 EU

35 European Union


37 North American Free Trade Agreement


39 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

40 IMF

41 International Monetary Fund

42 Its capital is Beijing

43 China

44 This country has the highest life expectancy in the world.

45 Japan

46 This Asian country is famous for Korfball.

47 Taiwan

48 This country is the world’s second largest exporter and third largest importer.

49 Germany

50 The fifth largest country in the world.

51 Brazil

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