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The Solar System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System

2 But what does it look like?
The Solar System 1 Star 9 Planets 165 Moons Way too many asteroids to count But what does it look like?

3 The Solar System Is this how it really looks?

4 What is at the center of our solar system?
Close. But not quite correct. Let’s look at the solar system, but let’s look at it one body at a time

5 The Sun 110 times larger in diameter than the earth
The star at the center of our solar system 110 times larger in diameter than the earth 99.8% of all the mass in the solar system

6 What are the names of the planets?
Now, on to the planets What are the names of the planets? Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

7 Let’s take a look at the planets…

8 Mercury Symbol First planet from the sun No Moons Almost no atmosphere
88 Earth days to orbit the sun Rocky planet Named for the Roman God Mercury, the winged messenger

9 Venus Symbol Second planet from the sun Covered in a heavy atmosphere
88 Earth days to orbit the sun No Moons Rocky planet Named for the Roman Goddess Venus, the goddess of Love and Beauty

10 Earth Symbol Third planet from the sun 365 days to orbit the sun
One Moon Rocky planet

11 Mars Symbol Fourth planet from the sun 687 Earth days to orbit the sun
Covered in a thin atmosphere Two Moons Rocky planet Named for the Roman God Mars, the God of War

12 Jupiter Symbol Fifth planet from the sun
Largest planet in the solar system 11.8 Earth years to orbit the sun 63 Moons Gas Giant planet Thin rings Named for the Roman God Jupiter, the King of the Gods

13 Saturn Symbol Sixth planet from the sun
29.5 Earth Years to orbit the sun 56 Moons Large ring system Gas giant planet Named for the Roman God Saturn, the God of Farming

14 Uranus Symbol Seventh planet from the sun
84.7 Earth years to orbit the sun 27 Moons Gas Giant planet Named for the Greek God Uranus, the God of the Sky

15 Neptune Symbol Eighth planet from the sun
164 Earth years to orbit the sun 13 Moons Gas Giant planet Named for the Roman God Neptune, the God of the Sea

16 Pluto Symbol Ninth planet from the sun
367 Earth Years to orbit the sun 3 Moons Rocky planet Named for the Roman and Greek God Pluto, the God of the Underworld

17 The Solar System to Scale

18 What are some tools people use to look at the planets?

19 Small Telescopes!

20 BIG Telescopes!

21 Space Telescopes! Hubble Space Telescope

22 Satellites! Cassini Huygens

23 The End!

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