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Los Alphabetos Los Vocales El Acento Señorita Yaldo.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Alphabetos Los Vocales El Acento Señorita Yaldo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Alphabetos Los Vocales El Acento Señorita Yaldo

2 Objectives You will … Learn how to pronounce the Spanish alphabets along with few the few more than English. Explore how the Spanish vowels are pronounced. Learn which syllable to stress. Learn how to pronounce an accented word.

3 Standards 4.1.N.d Identify basic differences and similarities in phonological features (such as pronunciation, intonation, and tone) between one’s own language and the target language.

4 Stressed Syllables Answer the following questions in your notebook. How many letters in the English Alphabet? In the Spanish? How many vowels are there in the English Alphabet? In the Spanish? Are the vowels pronounced the same in Spanish as in English? Why do you think we need to learn the correct way of pronouncing the words of a foreign language correctly? Explain.


6 How to Pronounce Additional Letters (notes) ch = chico (Just as in English) ll = llama (like a y) ñ = el niño (as if there is a y after it) rr = burrito (you need to role your tongue on this one) Note: Z is pronounced as s in Spanish.

7 Vamos a practicar. Ñ CH LLRR TamañoChileLlamarBurro EspañolCuchilloCallePerro BañoCucarachaSillaAburrido NiñaCochinoToallaCerro NiñoChequeLloverCorrer UñaMuchacha MillónCerro

8 Vowels (notes) We have five vowels in Spanish. A E I O U El burro sabe más que tú.


10 Actividad Each pair of students will receive a rhyme that has to read it and practice it, then share it with the person next to him/her. Then, each student will read their sentence in Spanish. Afterwords, the whole class and I will evaluate their pronunciation. Here is the sheet.

11 Where are these words stressed (pronounced heavily)?  Produce (v.)Produce (n.)  Present (v.)Present (n.)  As you can see, the two pairs look the same but sound different. Why? Because they have different syllables stressed (pronounced heavier)  Produce (v.)Produce (n.)  Present (v.)Present (n.)  We have stressed syllables in Spanish as well.

12 So how do we know which syllable is stressed?(Notes) Rules of stressed syllables in Spanish. If a word ends with... AlumnosProfesorÁngela LápizCatalinaUsted 1. a, e, I, o, u, n, s (Vowels, n and s) 2. Constants other than n, s 3. Words with accents Stress the syllable second to the last. Stress the last syllable. Stress the accent part.

13 Actividad Write your name down on a small sheet of paper. Decide which rule you will follow for your name. Then, search for another student whose name follows the other rule.

14 Note: Dipthongs (io, ia, ue) count as 1 syllable. Ejemplo: Estudia

15 Important Points (notes) “J” is pronounced as h in Spanish “H” is silent in Spanish Tilde: “~" over the n only. Accent " ´ " over the vowels, not the consonant. Move neck forward when pronouncing an accented vowel. Questions: Beginning ¿ End ?. Exclamation:Beginning ¡ End !.

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