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M ODELING THE E NERGY I NFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE S TATE OF I OWA DEC09-02 Mubarak Abbas (E E) Austin Lyons (E E) Muhammad Rahim (E E) Mohammed Ahmed (E E)

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Presentation on theme: "M ODELING THE E NERGY I NFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE S TATE OF I OWA DEC09-02 Mubarak Abbas (E E) Austin Lyons (E E) Muhammad Rahim (E E) Mohammed Ahmed (E E)"— Presentation transcript:

1 M ODELING THE E NERGY I NFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE S TATE OF I OWA DEC09-02 Mubarak Abbas (E E) Austin Lyons (E E) Muhammad Rahim (E E) Mohammed Ahmed (E E) Faculty Advisor James McCalley

2 P ROBLEM /N EED S TATEMENT The state of Iowa needs to make investment decisions to meet increasing demands on its energy infrastructure. To make educated decisions, a comprehensive and interactive model of the state’s energy infrastructure is needed. Such a model currently does not exist.

3 A UDIENCE Engineers Government City/Regional/State Planners Entrepreneurs Educators Ordinary Citizens

4 M ARKET /L ITERATURE S URVEY First project of it’s kind for the state of Iowa Based on a similar project on the national level (NETSCORE 21) Used our advisor (a principal investigator for NETSCORE 21) as our main reference

5 C ONCEPT D ESCRIPTION Solution Acquire energy data for Iowa Create a system for visualizing this data Integrate data with existing software to perform analysis


7 F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS Data Create an interactive database of Iowa energy data from 2001 to 2006 Visualization Design a system for visualizing power generation, transmission line, energy resource data System will need to be: interactive, easy to use, free, platform independent Analysis Use Wien Automatic System Planning Package (WASP-IV) with generation data to perform generation system expansion planning

8 N ON -F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS Data Energy Resources type coal hydro wind biomass/bio-fuel solar capacity investment costs operating costs efficiency expected life reliability

9 U SER I NTERFACE D ESCRIPTION Data & Visualization: User interface must be easy for anyone, regardless of prior knowledge, to interact with Analysis: Determined by choice of existing software (WASP-IV)

10 S YSTEM D ESCRIPTION Data Develop an inventory of the existing energy infrastructure of Iowa by acquiring data and storing it in.csv files Visualization Use Google Earth to visualize data Create data conversion program to convert.csv file to a format which Google Earth can read (.kml) Analysis Use Wien Automatic System Planning Package (WASP-IV) with generation data to perform generation system expansion planning

11 O PERATING E NVIRONMENT Data: platform independent Store data as comma separated value (.csv) files Can edit.csv files in Microsoft Excel or any other spreadsheet software. Can also edit in any text editor. Visualization: platform independent Google Earth can run on a PC, Mac, or Linux Data conversion program (will be discussed later) is written in Java, which runs on PC, Mac, or Linux Data can be viewed in a web browser Analysis: Determined by existing software WASP-IV – Windows

12 W ORK B REAKDOWN Acquire data Get maps & data from EIA, IOWA UTILITY, MEC (through Dr. McCalley) Convert data into.csv format Manually converted map to spreadsheet by writing down the starting and ending cities for each line, then looking up the coordinates for each city Write, test, document data conversion program Learn how to create Java GUI Create website for viewing data Integrate data with WASP-IV Obtain and install WASP-IV Figure out how to use WASP-IV Obtain any missing data regarding the LDC, spinning reserves, forced outage rates, and other specific information regarding plants Create presentations, reports, and fulfill other Senior Design requirements

13 V ISUALIZATION Data conversion program How it works How it was created How it was tested Documentation Website Deliverables

14 VISUALIZATION – H OW I T W ORKS - Data conversion program - Input:.csv (comma separated file) - Output:.kml (Google Earth file) CSV file KML file

15 VISUALIZATION – H OW I T W ORKS Reads the.csv file and stores each row of data as a Point object or a Line object Point object Name, Longitude, Latitude, Description Line object Start City, End City, Start Longitude, Start Latitude, End Longitude, End Latitude

16 VISUALIZATION – H OW I T W ORKS Ex: Line Data 1. Check whether input file exists and can be opened 2. Check if input file actually contains line data 3. Parse data one row at a time, storing correctly formatted rows as a line object 1. If data incorrectly formatted, print to error log 4. Open output file, print KML header 5. For each stored line object, print data in KML form 6. Finish & close KML file 7. Let user know if successful or not

17 VISUALIZATION – H OW I T W ORKS Psuedocode while(ArrayList has more elements) LineObject = ArrayList.removeObject() print to file “ ” + LineObject.getStartLatitude(), LineObject.getStartLongitude(), LineObject.getEndLatitude(), LineObject.getEndLongitude() + “ ”



20 VISUALIZATION – H OW I T W ORKS - Error handling - Input file can’t be opened, doesn’t contain line/point data - Skip incorrectly formatted data (don’t output to KML) - Print message to error log (name_of_file_errorLog.txt)

21 V ISUALIZATION – H OW I T W AS C REATED Created using NetBeans IDE Written in Java Aimed for concise code that is easy to maintain and easy to extend ~1200 lines of code total

22 V ISUALIZATION - T ESTING - Test all possible input scenarios according to formatting guidelines - Create a spreadsheet for each test - Run program, check that program doesn’t blow up and that output is correct Example Test003.csv: Allow empty “Start City” (no name for start city) Test005.csv: Throw out element if “Start Latitude” is missing or is not a number between -180 and 180 – print error to log Test016.csv: Check that additional data is appended in the “description” section


24 V ISUALIZATION D OCUMENTATION & D ELIVERABLES Documentation Line data formatting guide Point data formatting guide Basic instructions Testing instructions Javadoc Deliverables Data conversion program Source code Executable Tests Documentation Website Source code Documentation

25 F UTURE W ORK Add functionality for visualizing gradient maps Create a web based version of data conversion program

26 A NALYSIS Wien Automatic System Planning (WASP-IV) How it works How it was tested Documentation Deliverables

27 A NALYSIS - H OW IT WORKS WASP-IV takes in the data for LOADSY, FIXSYS, VARSYS, CONGEN, MERSIM and DYNPRO to perform generation system expansion planning Focus was primarily on LOADSY, FIXSYS, and VARSYS

28 LOADSY describes the load characteristics of the system for each year of the study period A NALYSIS - H OW IT WORKS (LOADSY) Input Output

29 A NALYSIS – H OW IT WORKS (FIXSYS) FIXSYS describes the committed (fixed) state of the generating system for each year in study InputOutput

30 A NALYSIS – H OW IT WORKS (VARSYS) VARSYS describes the alternative plants which can be used for system expansion InputOutput

31 A NALYSIS - T ESTING The testing for the analysis will be made by using the forecasted data for 2008 and comparing it with the actual data for 2008. If the energy demand data is correctly forecasted within +/-10- 15%, it will prove that the software and the input data are accurate (or very close)

32 A NALYSIS - D OCUMENTATION Detailed instructions for LOADSY FIXSYS VARSYS Testing instructions CONGEN MERSIM DYNPRO

33 A NALYSIS - D ELIVERABLES Documentation All accumulated data from 2 semesters WASP-IV Input Data Output Results Testing

34 F UTURE W ORK (A NALYSIS ) Add and input data for the remaining routines/subroutines

35 L ESSONS L EARNED Calling Mid-American Energy, introducing yourself as (Mohammed, Muhammad, Mubarak), and asking for power line data is a bad idea. Working with and utilizing real data for practical purposes.

36 C ONCLUSION In conclusion, we obtained energy infrastructure data for the state of Iowa and created a system for visualizing and analyzing this data.


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