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Renate Chancellor, Ph.D. CUA School of Library & Information Science January 30, 2009 E.J. Josey: A Transformative Leader in the Modern Library Profession.

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Presentation on theme: "Renate Chancellor, Ph.D. CUA School of Library & Information Science January 30, 2009 E.J. Josey: A Transformative Leader in the Modern Library Profession."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renate Chancellor, Ph.D. CUA School of Library & Information Science January 30, 2009 E.J. Josey: A Transformative Leader in the Modern Library Profession

2 E.J.J Early Chronology  Born in Norfolk, Virginia, 1924  Served in the Army, 1943-1946  A.B in Music, Howard University, 1949  Master’s in History, Columbia University, 1950  Master’s Library Science, SUNY, 1952

3 E.J.J Professional Roles  Free Library of Philadelphia (1953)  Delaware State College (1955-1959)  Savannah State Library (1959-1966)  Chief Bureau of New York (1966-1986)  University of Pittsburgh (1986-1995)

4 E.J.J Major Contributions  Introduced historic resolution that prevented ALA officials from associating with state library associations that refused membership to everyone, 1964  Founded the Black Caucus of the ALA, 1970  President of the ALA in 1984  Published 300+ articles and 13 monographs

5 Research Questions Two overarching research questions:  What is the impact of Josey’s leadership on the LIS profession?  In what ways did he transform the profession?

6 Theoretical Framework Transformative leader is a person who can guide, direct, and influence others to bring about a fundamental change; both externally and through internal processes (Burns, 1978).

7 Bernard Bass Model (1985)  Idealized Influence (leader becomes role model)  Inspirational Motivation (motivator, provides meaning and challenge)  Intellectual Stimulation (creativity)  Individual Consideration (mentoring)

8 Methodology Historical Method - Techniques and guidelines that use primary sources and other evidentiary materials to research and write history

9 Data-Gathering  oral history interviews  documentary research

10 Oral History  30 oral history interviews  Contemporaries, Colleagues & Adversaries

11 Documentary Research  ALA Archives  University of Pittsburgh Archives  North Carolina Central University  Savannah State College  State University of New York, Albany

12 Findings  Josey is a transformative leader  Exhibited signs of leadership as a child  Community had a major role in his development as a leader - family - church - school - professional work environment  Colleagues (librarians and library educators agree with his contemporaries

13 Thank You!

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