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Instructor: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW SWK 610: Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW SWK 610: Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW SWK 610: Leadership

2   Should be in eCollege Module 8 this week  Group topics should be turned in. Be preparing your outline with role descriptions for your group before your scheduled week to present.  Mid term exam open on 6/30/14  Study Guide posted in Doc Sharing Welcome & Announcements

3  As a result of today’s class, students will be able to:  Be equipped to locate and use Strengths-Finder and Strength-Based Leadership as workplace tools  Identify grey areas of leadership and discuss how to solve those ethical leadership dilemmas  Understand the leadership grid.  Name and produce examples of all 5 extremes of the grid. Objectives

4  Resource of the Week Strength’s Finder & Strengths Based Leadership


6 Strengths-Finder is a book that can be purchased for around $12. It comes with an online assessment that participants can do to discover their strengths. There are interactive group lessons and resources for implementing this tool in the workplace. Strengths-Based Leadership is by the same company. “The book identifies three keys to being a more effective leader: knowing your strengths and investing in others' strengths, getting people with the right strengths on your team, and understanding and meeting the four basic needs of those who look to you for leadership.”

7  Leadership in the News In small groups, read the article provided in your email about Coach Herber and answer the following questions: Was this a “fuzzy” ethical situation? Why or why not? How did the coach’s decision impact the team? What would you do if placed in Coach Herber’s shoes? (15-20 minutes)

8  The Leadership Grid

9  The Leadership Grid has two axis’. Those are Concern for People and Concern for Results. Based on a scale of 1-9, leaders can be groups into one of the following basic categories:  Country Club Management  Team Management  Middle-of-the-Road Management  Impoverished Management  Authority-Compliance Management The Leadership Grid

10   GROUP 1=Country Club Management  GROUP 2=Team Management  GROUP 3=Middle-of-the-Road Management  GROUP 4=Impoverished Management  GROUP 5=Authority-Compliance Management In your small groups, answer the following questions: 1.What would you score yourself at this moment? 2.What score would you like to have and why? 3.For your assigned section, identify one leader who leads with that style and chose a spokesperson to share your example with the class (15 minutes for group discussion, 25 minutes total) The Leadership Grid Activity

11  As a result of today’s session, students should be able to:  Be equipped to locate and use Strengths-Finder and Strength- Based Leadership as workplace tools  Identify grey areas of leadership and discuss how to solve those ethical leadership dilemmas  Understand the leadership grid.  Name and produce examples of all 5 extremes of the grid. Summary

12   Have completed Modules 1-8  Prepare for Group Presentation  Leadership Analysis Paper due week 8 (6/29 at 11:59pm) For Next Week…

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