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School of Innovative Leadership. When and where…?  July, 2nd-7th  Summer camp “Radoshkovichi” 20km to Minsk.

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Presentation on theme: "School of Innovative Leadership. When and where…?  July, 2nd-7th  Summer camp “Radoshkovichi” 20km to Minsk."— Presentation transcript:

1 School of Innovative Leadership

2 When and where…?  July, 2nd-7th  Summer camp “Radoshkovichi” 20km to Minsk

3 What for…?  To get acquainted with Belarus – the country in the very heart of Europe  To become the participants of traditional Belarusian cultural events  To be aware of the youth social and innovative projects  To take part in business games, sessions, seminars and discussions  To develop personal skills and abilities and to become a good team-player  To build contacts with young European leaders

4 For whom…? Students, young specialists, entrepreneurs:  Active participants of social projects  Aged 20-27  Recommended by Rotary

5 How…?  Fill in the application form  Pay the fee (200€) covering*: Participation in the School Presentations in English/Russian Meals and housing Excursions * The transfer to and from Minsk, Belarusian visas are paid additionally

6 Who…?  Rotary Clubs  International association “Economic research and education”

7 Thank you for attention!

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