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Discharge Teaching, Making It Stick Daren Smith BSN Surgical Management Professionals 600 S. Cliff Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104

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Presentation on theme: "Discharge Teaching, Making It Stick Daren Smith BSN Surgical Management Professionals 600 S. Cliff Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discharge Teaching, Making It Stick Daren Smith BSN Surgical Management Professionals 600 S. Cliff Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104

2 Discharge Teaching, Making It Stick Back to Basics Adult Learning Theory Visual Marketing Theory Creative Solutions to a complex problem

3 Discharge Teaching, Making It Stick “If telling were the same as teaching, we’d all be so smart we could hardly stand it.” -Robert Mager 3

4 Back to Basics Goals of Discharge Teaching Prevention of Complications Self Care- Promote Healing Risk Management Provide and exceptional patient and family experience 4

5 Back to Basics 5 W’s Who Who need to be involved- Significant other/Parent/Caregiver/Etc. When At first contact Why Goes back to the Goals 5

6 Back to Basics 5 W’s What Diet Activity Wound/Dressing Care Discharge Medications Discharge follow-up Instructions for follow-up sooner 6

7 Back to Basics 5 W’s Where Good learning environment 7

8 Adult Learning Theory Most influential work was done by Malcolm Knowles in the early 70’s Identified 6 principles of Adult learning 8

9 6 Principles of Adult Learning 1. Adults have a need to know why they should learn something. Discharge teaching should include rationale or reasons for learning. The benefits of learning self care must be clearly communicated. 9

10 6 Principles of Adult Learning 2. Self-Concept Adults have a deep need to be seen by others as being capable of caring for themselves. Discharge instructions can be presented preoperatively and reviewed at discharge. 3. Role of Experience Adults have a wealth of experiences, should be used as a tool of engagement. Find out about their experience 10

11 6 Principles of Adult Learning 4. Readiness to Learn Adults become ready to learn when they perceive a need to know. Be careful not to present information too early 5. Orientation to Learning Youth have a subject centered orientation, Adults have problem centered orientation. This is actually an advantage to discharge planning. Adults learn with the intention of ”using it” 11

12 6 Principles of Adult Learning 6. Motivation to Learn Internal motivators (self esteem, power, achievement, etc.) are more potent and persistent in the Adult See Principle #1- Adults may not be motivated to learn unless they perceive a need. 12

13 Adult Learning Theory In Summary: The adult learner has need to understand how the discharge instructions will benefit them, how it fits with their existing knowledge, and reinforces their autonomy. 13

14 Visual Marketing Theory Concept of Visual Marketing Tools of Visual Marketing 14

15 The Rules Visual Marketing Do this: Large high contrast color text in sentence format with serif style font Not This: Small light over-stylized text IN ALL CAPS with a scripted font 15

16 The Rules Visual Marketing Do this: Use space to convey your Message Not This: Needless graphics only distract

17 The Rules Visual Marketing Use photographs instead of illustrations and place at left with text on right. 17 Wash hands before dressing change

18 The Rules Visual Marketing Use of color Text should be Green, Red, Black, or Navy Blue Text on a white background is easiest to read Colors can evoke certain emotional responses. Be aware of what you are conveying. 18

19 The Rules Visual Marketing Use of Language - Scripting Use of powerful language You, Money, Benefits, Why, Health, Love, Proven, Safety, Results, etc. Use of powerless language Nonverbal Hesitations (umm) Verbal Hesitations (you know, like) Formal Language (therefore, consequently) Intensifiers (really really or very very) 19

20 Creative Solutions Video Instructions Instructions in text format Dressing Change: DIY FTITM Wash Hands b4 & aft Text reminders What creative things have you seen? 20

21 Discharge Teaching, Making It Stick Back to Basics Adult Learning Theory Visual Marketing Theory Creative Solutions to a complex problem Any Questions? 21

22 Discharge Teaching, Making It Stick Daren Smith Surgical Management Professionals 600 South Cliff Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104 22

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