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Practical Tools for 21 st Century Teaching.  David Walker  SGUSD Database Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Tools for 21 st Century Teaching.  David Walker  SGUSD Database Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Tools for 21 st Century Teaching

2  David Walker  SGUSD Database Administrator

3  Thank you for your work in designing and piloting curriculum  Kudos for consensus building!

4  Review K-5 Benchmark Assessment Plan  Grade Level Trimester Overview  Introduction to eadms data program  SGUSD Digital Community

5  Questions, comments, issues?  Please note these on our Parking Lot poster or our evaluation form.  Mark comments for this session as “Data.”

6  Note cohesion between grade levels.  Grading scales and rubrics are posted for each benchmark  Questions, corrections, or comments?

7  Note math benchmarks are to be given only in the 1 st and 3 rd trimesters this year.  AR/STAR levels were driven by Fountas and Pinnell A-Z scales.

8  Develop solid benchmark assessments aligned to Common Core standards.  Assemble team of teachers to design math benchmark assessments for every grade level this summer.  Use benchmark data to inform instruction  Use benchmark data as evidence of progress on ELA/ELD standards  Learn to use and manage features in our new data system, eadms.

9  Develop new report card aligned to Common Core Standards (Winter/Spring 2015)  Develop benchmark assessments with eadms (Summer Curriculum Work) Jennifer’s Long Term Wish List?  Train elementary teachers to use AERIES gradebook  Set up AERIES gradebook so that grades may be automatically pushed in to the report card

10  SGUSD’s new data collection vehicle  Offers practical tools for classroom teachers  Variety of student reports available  Capacity for building specialized reports that can disaggregate data  Capacity for creating on-line Common Core aligned tests through a question bank with multiple choice, true/false, and constructed response items  Options for on-line grading of tests (not available for constructed response.)

11  Ownership of the company and its product changed  Cost of the program skyrocketed  Data Director did not link with AERIES  eadms and AERIES are linked  Can make our job easier as we make full use of its capabilities

12 Log into your account Look for the blue butterfly at the bottom of the menu on the left. A few may not have this option; let David know now.

13  Orange Tabs: Commonly used reports  Blue Tabs: Creating items in the system  Purple Tabs: Create, manage, print tests

14  From the Dashboard, select Student Profile  Check for current year and grade  Select “Generate Report”

15 Thank you, Mary Ann!

16 Select filter Demographics Select categories Select multiple categories to drill down for more specific data Generate Report

17 Try it! Select other categories and combinations.

18  Go back to the eadms dashboard by selecting Home or clicking on the butterfly.  It’s time to input our math benchmark scores.

19 Select Input Scores Select Next NOTE: Mary Ann is our Sample Teacher. She is the only teacher who should show all 3 trimesters. Select 1 st Trimester MMA section.



22  Time to input your scores.  A few idiosyncrasies…  The up and down arrow keys don’t advance you to the next student  The tab and shift will move you horizontally and to the next student, but not vertically  If you input one assessment at a time, use the mouse to advance to the next student.

23  Let us know if you need any help.  If you don’t have scores with you, play around with the Student Profile page.

24 How to create a test: hw_A

25  Report Builder:  btb3iMM btb3iMM

26 Select “Staff” Pop Up frame will show Select SGUSD Digital Community


28  Consider joining the Summer Curriculum Team to design our math assessments  Don’t forget to fill out an evaluation. Data: ELA: ELD: Data: ELA: ELD: Data: ELA: ELD: Data: ELA: ELD: Please note any comments for this session under “Data.” Thank you!

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