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Hello 6th grade detectives

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Presentation on theme: "Hello 6th grade detectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello 6th grade detectives
Hello 6th grade detectives! Who was haunting the Peabody house disguised as a mummy?

2 Six elements of mystery genre
Study Guide Six elements of mystery genre Movie characters Mug shots - details Movie notes

3 What is the genre of mystery?

4 Mystery includes: A work of fiction Has a mysterious event or crime
Has evidence related to the crime


6 Mystery also includes:
A problem in the story Reader considers solutions to the problem The author’s solution is the final piece

7 Definitions you need to know:

8 Investigation- Thorough inquiry, questioning, and research. Suspect- Regarded with suspicion; distrusted;a person whose honesty is questioned. Decoding- To change from a secret code to ordinary language.

9 Motive- Anything that prompts one to do something. Critical thinking- Careful judgment, examination, and thinking. Hypothesis- Something not proved but assumed to be true based on critical thinking.

10 Evidence- Any form of proof. Accusation- A charge against a person. Fact- The realness or truth of something. Clue- Anything that guides one in solving something difficult.

11 Beware Keep your notes and watch the movie if you dare…

12 Who was haunting the Peabody house disguised as a mummy
Who was haunting the Peabody house disguised as a mummy? Today we will finally find out!

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