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Tracy Layton-Smith (BSN) Lisa Rabolini (BSN) Lieke Kamp (Tam Tam) Gateway Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracy Layton-Smith (BSN) Lisa Rabolini (BSN) Lieke Kamp (Tam Tam) Gateway Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracy Layton-Smith (BSN) Lisa Rabolini (BSN) Lieke Kamp (Tam Tam) Gateway Project

2 Tam Tam top 5 internetbureau

3 The British School in The Netherlands Established in 1931 International School with students from 80 + nationalities 2100 Students & 375 Employees Located in Den Haag, Voorschoten & Assen JUNIOR SCHOOL VLASKAMP JUNIOR SCHOOL DIAMANTHORST JUNIOR SCHOOL LEIDSCHENVEEN JUNIOR SCHOOL ASSEN SENIOR SCHOOL 4 JUNIOR SCHOOLS (AGES 3 TO 11) 1 SENIOR SCHOOL (AGES 11 TO 18)

4 BSN Gateway Gateway Project Website ParentNet StaffNet StudentNet

5 Project Timeline BSN Research & Planning Phase Functional Design & Build Phase 1 Website Development StaffNet Development ParentNet Development Basic Platform Delivered Initial Training Staff Trial Group ParentNet Solve issues from trial group Continued Staff Training Phase 2

6 Website Goals - Fresh, new design - An easy-to-use interface - Integration with StaffNet & ParentNet - Web-based content management - Online application form

7 Our website

8 ParentNet Goals - A secure site for existing parents - A personalised site that recognises the users & displays relevant content - A controlled environment which could be updated by multiple users - An easy-to-use interface - Family Search and babysitter search - An up-to date calendar - On-line forms - Paperless messaging system (not email!)

9 ParentNet

10 Staff & StudentNet Goals - An easy-to-use interface - A unified calendar - Announcements - Online forms - Document management system - Remote access to network drives - Collaboration between staff & students - A ‘Standard’ platform - Access to VLE(s) - Access to SIMS data and utilities

11 StaffNet

12 Gateway Project - News

13 Paperless Messaging

14 BSN Gateway Gateway Project Website ParentNet StaffNet StudentNet

15 Gateway Project - Lessons Learned –Be clear about your aims –Involve all target groups –Maintain momentum –Training –Don’t underestimate impact –Break it down into small pieces –The project launch is just the beginning…

16 Questions? We will be by ….. during the break

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