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Primary Trauma Nurse (PTN) and Core Trauma Nurse (CTN) Role Development Ashley Fidler, BSN, RN, CEN Mary Kay Stauffer, RN.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Trauma Nurse (PTN) and Core Trauma Nurse (CTN) Role Development Ashley Fidler, BSN, RN, CEN Mary Kay Stauffer, RN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Trauma Nurse (PTN) and Core Trauma Nurse (CTN) Role Development Ashley Fidler, BSN, RN, CEN Mary Kay Stauffer, RN

2 Objectives  Create awareness of PTN and CTN selection process  Demonstrate the process for PTN selection and training as well as advancement to the CTN role  Differentiate between the PTN and CTN roles

3 Primary Trauma Nurse (PTN)  Prospective candidates are identified by the nurse educator or nurse manager  Must be in the ED for a minimum of one year with a PTN completion goal by the 3 rd year in the ED  A discussion is held at the Core Trauma Nurse meeting (monthly) for peer input regarding potential PTN candidates

4 PTN (cont.)  Candidates are given prep work  Must review the trauma manual and trauma protocols  Must complete a skills check list

5 Skills Check List  Check list is to be filled out as much as possible prior to PTN day

6 Critical Thinking Stations  Candidates sign up for an individual, 30 minute session to sit before a panel of CTN’s  Presented with real trauma scenarios and must follow ABCDE guidelines as if it were a real trauma patient  Candidates are then scored based on performance  If a passing score is obtained, they are given a trauma binder and invited to PTN day

7 PTN Day  One, 8 hour day  Presentation of a trauma video (made by fellow CTN’s) that includes a poorly-run trauma scenario as well as an efficiently-run scenario demonstrating crew resource management  Half day of lecture-based material including special circumstances and population-specific concerns  Half day of hands-on, real-time trauma scenarios with opportunities to practice documentation and bed side resuscitation

8 PTN Day (Cont.)  Candidates are evaluated on an individual basis  If a passing score is obtained, PTN’s are placed on orientation and must pass 6 real traumas with CTN’s as mentors (2 nd nurse)  3 traumas must be graded on documentation and three must be graded on bedside resuscitation

9 Evaluation Tool

10 Core Trauma Nurse (CTN)  Selection process  Candidates complete a declaration of intent which includes: Qualifications, contributions to the trauma program, and individual strengths  Submit a resume  Complete a readiness checklist/self assessment  Meet required points (similar to Clinical Ladder)

11 CTN (Cont.)  A peer review is conducted by current CTN’s and candidates must have exceptional trauma documentation  Candidates must have a score of 20 with at least 50% earned in mentoring/coaching  Must be approved by current CTN’s

12 CTN Role  Must attend 50% of monthly meetings  Act as a resource and mentor for trauma care throughout the ED  Serves as the primary preceptor for new PTN’s  Collect trauma PI data and make suggestions for improvement  Demonstrate advanced/expert knowledge in practice relevant to policies, procedures and standards

13 CTN Role  Teach and guide new PTN’s about the trauma nurse role on PTN day  Participate in trauma research  Disseminate important trauma information/changes through the CTN communication list

14 Questions?

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