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Halloween Special 15/16. Warm-up TONGUE TWISTERS: 1.As one black bug bled black blood, the other bug bled blue. 2."Which witch wished which wicked wish?"

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Presentation on theme: "Halloween Special 15/16. Warm-up TONGUE TWISTERS: 1.As one black bug bled black blood, the other bug bled blue. 2."Which witch wished which wicked wish?""— Presentation transcript:

1 Halloween Special 15/16

2 Warm-up TONGUE TWISTERS: 1.As one black bug bled black blood, the other bug bled blue. 2."Which witch wished which wicked wish?"

3 3) A fly and a flea in a flue Were imprisoned. So what could they do? ‘Let us flee,’ said the fly. ‘Let us fly,’ said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

4 Q1 The name ‘Halloween’ means: 15: The evening before All Saint’s Day 16: The morning before All Saint’s Day

5 Answer: 15 ‘Halloween’ actually comes from ‘All Hallow Even’, the evening before All Saints’ Day.

6 Q2 Halloween originated in: 15: America 16: Europe

7 Answer: 16 Halloween originated in Europe, especially in Ireland, Britain and France, and then spread to America. Halloween spread to other countries as part of the American culture.

8 Q3 The above is called: 15: John-o’-lantern 16: Jack-o’-lantern

9 Answer: 16 Jack-o’-lantern

10 Q4 What do pumpkins and scarecrows, both symbols of Halloween, have in common? 15: They are yellowish and share the same colour 16: They are both related to autumn

11 Answer: 16 Pumpkins and scarecrows are both related to autumn – after all, Halloween is an autumn festival.

12 Q5 Another name for trick-or-treating is: 15: guising 16: miming

13 Answer: 15 Guising – the root of the word ‘disguise’

14 Q6 In Quebec, Canada, instead of saying ‘trick-or-treat’, children say: 15: Charity, please 16: Help the kids please

15 Answer: 15 Charity, please (La charité s'il-vous-plait)

16 Q7 The colour purple stands for: 15: dried blood 16: the supernatural

17 Answer: 16 The supernatural

18 Q8 Which cat is unlucky? 15: white 16: black

19 Answer: 16 Black

20 Q9 Who wrote the definitive vampire novel? 15: Bram Stoker 16: Robert Louis Stevenson

21 Answer: 15 Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, while the other wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

22 Q10 What is the name of the scientist in Frankenstein? 15: Victor Frankenstein 16: Hugo Frankenstein

23 Answer: 15 Victor Frankenstein – Frankenstein is NOT the name of his creation.

24 Q11 The ‘were’ in werewolf means: 15: man 16: transformation

25 Answer: 15 Man

26 Q12 Another name of werewolf is: 15: wolfsbane 16: lycanthrope

27 Answer: 16 Lycanthrope

28 Q13 What kind of symbol is ‘bat’ in Chinese culture? 15: longevity and happiness 16: sickness and disaster

29 Answer: 15: longevity and happiness – due to the pronunciation of the term ‘bat’ in Chinese

30 Q14 The Invisible Man was written by which famous author? 15: Mary Shelley 16: H.G. Wells

31 Answer: 16 Mary Shelley is the author of Frankenstein, and H.G. Wells is a very famous science fiction author.

32 Q15 What is the name of the friendly ghost that stays in a haunted house? 15: Casper 16: Casey

33 Answer: 15 Casper

34 123456

35 (1) 1 Candy (2) 1 Candy (3) 2 Candies (4) 3 Candies (5) Grand prize (6) 1 Candy

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