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Objective: SWBAT recognize the roles of individuals in Ancient Roman society and government. Set Sail: (Do NOT copy questions) 1) What is a republic?

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: SWBAT recognize the roles of individuals in Ancient Roman society and government. Set Sail: (Do NOT copy questions) 1) What is a republic?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: SWBAT recognize the roles of individuals in Ancient Roman society and government. Set Sail: (Do NOT copy questions) 1) What is a republic? 2) What was the role of the Senate and the Assembly in the Roman Republic?

2 The Basics Ancient Rome had 3 main social classes.

3 Patricians Patricians were the group with the most status in society. They were the wealthy (rich) landowners who participated in the Senate (1 part of Roman government). Pat on the back

4 Plebeians The Plebeians were the Roman “middle- class”. They were farmers, traders, and craft workers. They too were allowed to participate in Government -- in the Assembly.

5 Slaves Slaves were the lowest group in Roman Society. They were not given the rights of citizens, and were not able to participate in government.

6 Being a Good Citizen Romans believed that individual people had a responsibility to participate in activities that helped Roman society.

7 Plebian, Patrician, or Slave: Who am I?
Game Rules: Do not use your marker to write on regular paper! Use your notes to help you. Answer every question! If you don’t know, make an educated guess! Wait until Ms. Agus says “Ooga Booga” to raise your marker board with your answer on it. Make sure that all materials are returned in the condition they were given to you.

8 Ketarria Ketarria is a part of the highest, most powerful group in Roman Society. She is a loving a devoted wife, and has raised 5 intelligent children. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

9 Ketarria Ketarria is a part of the highest, most powerful group in Roman Society. She is a loving a devoted wife, and has raised 5 intelligent children. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

10 Tyronne Tyronne is part of the middle class in Roman Society. Although he has a good paying job, he has been known to be violent towards both family and strangers. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

11 Tyronne Tyronne is part of the middle class in Roman Society. Although he has a good paying job, he has been known to be violent towards both family and strangers. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

12 Catrell Catrell is a part of the lowest group in Roman society, and never follows the instructions he is given. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

13 Catrell Catrell is a part of the lowest group in Roman society, and never follows the instructions he is given. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

14 Jumarcus Jumarcus is a very, very rich man who owns a lot of land. He gives some money away to charity. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

15 Jumarcus Jumarcus is a very, very rich man who owns a lot of land. He gives some money away to charity. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

16 Jeremy Jeremy makes an average living as a farmer, and supports his wife and three kids. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

17 Jeremy Jeremy makes an average living as a farmer, and supports his wife and three kids. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

18 Robbie Robbie is an artist, and makes beautiful paintings of the Italian mountains. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

19 Robbie Robbie is an artist, and makes beautiful paintings of the Italian mountains. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

20 Lorena Lorena has no rights in Roman Society, and cannot vote, but she accepts her role without complaining and always does her work. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

21 Lorena Lorena has no rights in Roman Society, and cannot vote, but she accepts her role without complaining and always does her work. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

22 DeWayne Is a member of the Assembly, but he has been stealing money from the government! Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

23 DeWayne Is a member of the Assembly, but he has been stealing money from the government! Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

24 James James is a member of the Senate, and is well-liked by both patricians and plebeians. He is always willing to listen to both sides of a story. Plebian, Patrician, or Slave?

25 James James is a member of the Senate, and is well-liked by both patricians and plebeians. He is always willing to listen to both sides of a story. Contributes positively to society? Yes or no?

26 How many social classes did Rome have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Which group was made up of the rich, wealthy land owners in the Senate? A. Plebians B. Patricians C. Slaves D. Nomads Which group was made up of the middle class in the Assembly? Which group was made up of the poor people with no rights? Which of the following is true? A. Romans believed that all people should be a positive part of the society and help out B. Romans believed that only patricians should be a positive part of society and help out C.Romans believed that only plebians should be a positive part of society and help out D. Romans believed that only slaves should be a positive part of society and help out

27 According to the famous Myth, who was the first King of Rome?
What features were common in Roman architecture? What were public baths used for? What language did the Romans speak? Where do “Romance Languages” get their name from? Name 3 Romance languages What other civilization greatly influenced Ancient Rome? What was the name of the main Roman amphitheater? What was it used for? Were the Romans monotheistic or polytheistic? Who was the main God? What was the Aneid, the Roman Epic, about?

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