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Published byMartha Gwendoline Johnston Modified over 9 years ago
AHECB Meeting April 30, 2015
Credentials Awarded AHECB Meeting of April 30, 2015
Rick Jenkins Associate Director, Planning and Accountability
Credentials Awarded is up 19.7%
Institution TypeAY2010AY2011AY2012AY2013AY2014 1-Year Growth 5-Year Growth 4-Year Universities 17,452 20,992 20,232 20,810 21,4883.3%23.1% 2-Year Colleges 13,653 15,149 14,714 14,862 15,9437.3%16.8% Private/ Independents 2,947 2,926 3,181 3,3144.2%12.5% Total 34,052 39,067 38,127 38,853 40,7454.9%19.7% 5-Year Growth: fueled by 4-Year Universities and 2-Year Colleges. 1-Year Growth: fueled by the 2-Year Colleges.
Credentials Awarded by Institution Type
Credentials Awarded by Degree Level Degree LevelAY2010AY2011AY2012AY2013AY20141-Yr. Growth5-Yr. Growth Certificates of Proficiency 4,770 5,001 4,603 4,889 5,0803.9%6.5% Technical Certificates 4,464 4,843 4,682 4,842 5,39211.4%20.8% Associate Degrees 7,021 10,204 8,293 8,323 8,6854.3%23.7% Advanced Certificates 13 20 26 28 22-21.4%69.2% Bachelor's Degrees 12,451 13,106 13,987 14,155 15,2777.9%22.7% Post-Bacc. Certificates 409 277 251 293 264-9.9%-35.5% Master's Degrees 4,050 4,727 5,263 5,163 4,796-7.1%18.4% Post-Master's Cert./Specialist Degrees 70 96 109 180 24435.6%248.6% Doctoral: Research/Scholarship 230 237 258 291 273-6.2%18.7% Doctoral: Professional Practice 574 576 655 689 7123.3%24.0% Total 34,052 39,087 38,127 38,853 40,7454.9%19.7%
Credentials Grown over Last 5 Years
Retention and Graduation Rates AHECB Meeting of April 30, 2015
Rick Jenkins Associate Director, Planning and Accountability
1-Year Fall-to-Fall Retention
1-Year Retention by Institution Type Inst. Type 2009 Fall - 2010 Fall 2010 Fall - 2011 Fall 2011 Fall - 2012 Fall 2012 Fall - 2013 Fall 2013 Fall - 2014 Fall 4-Year Universities68.8%68.1%68.7%70.2%71.1% 2-Year Colleges50.9%49.9%48.7%48.9%49.7% Private/Independents72.4%69.2%71.6%71.1%73.2% Total63.1%62.5%63.0%63.9%64.8% 4-Year Universities and Private/Independent Institutions have similar retention rates, but the Private/Independent Institutions have the highest retention rates. 2-Year Colleges have the lowest retention rates.
1-Year Retention by Gender and Race/Ethnicity
1-Year Retention by Age and for Remediated Students
Statewide Retention While many students are not retained at their “home” institution, many are retained at “away” Arkansas institutions as transfer students.
ADHE Annual Graduation Rates The graduation rates reported herein have been re-designed. The graduation rate uses a cohort of: first-time entering, credential-seeking students, from the entire academic year, not just the fall term, and includes all full-time and part-time students. In addition, the new graduation rates uses a 100%, 150%, and 250% time rate for counting graduates. Such time rate in years is used for counting all credentials earned. Inst. Type100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate 4-Year Universities4 Years*6 Years*10 Years* 2-Year Colleges2 Years*3 Years*5 Years* Private/Independents4 Years*6 Years*10 Years* *Plus the months of July and August for the next academic year.
4-Year Universities
2-Year Colleges
Private/Independent Institutions
Graduation Rates by Gender 4-Year Universities100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Males21.3%36.4%36.8% Females29.6%43.2%44.3% 2-Year Colleges100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Males17.3%20.4%25.7% Females13.6%19.5%27.1% Private/Independents100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Males31.3%45.2%52.3% Females42.8%56.4%60.0% Females have higher graduation rates than males except for the 2-Year Colleges 100% and 150% rates.
Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity 4-Year Universities100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Asians27.6%45.2%50.0% Blacks11.1%23.8%25.8% Hispanics21.7%38.1%32.5% Amer. Indian/Alaskans20.4%40.1%30.1% Whites30.7%45.7%45.6% Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders0.0%N/A 2-Year Colleges 100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Asians6.8%16.7%20.8% Blacks7.5%13.0%16.1% Hispanics10.8%17.2%25.1% Amer. Indian/Alaskans13.0%17.8%26.4% Whites19.0%22.7%29.9% Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders10.5%11.1%27.3% Private/Independents100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Asians39.4%52.4%53.1% Blacks11.1%27.8%22.5% Hispanics36.4%41.7%53.1% Amer. Indian/Alaskans10.0%53.3% Whites45.8%58.8%59.4% Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders60.0%N/A Generally, White and Asian students have the highest graduation rates.
Graduation Rates by Age 4-Year Universities100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Less Than 1824.8%40.0%43.4% Age 18-1927.4%42.6%43.8% Age 20-2413.1%13.2%19.6% Age 25-3418.5%28.2%22.9% Age 35-4427.0%46.1%33.8% Age 45-5431.0%46.2%32.3% Age 55 or Older25.0%35.3%9.1% 2-Year Colleges100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Less Than 1816.4%22.2%25.1% Age 18-1915.5%19.2%25.0% Age 20-249.9%14.8%20.5% Age 25-3416.1%20.5%28.9% Age 35-4419.2%25.7%35.2% Age 45-5420.6%28.8%38.7% Age 55 or Older19.0%28.7%33.3% Private/Independents100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Less Than 1836.5%54.8%50.1% Age 18-1939.5%53.1%59.6% Age 20-249.7%22.7%29.7% Age 25-347.8%26.6%23.1% Age 35-446.7%52.4%50.0% Age 45-5412.5%57.1%0.0% Age 55 or Older0.0%57.1%50.0% Generally, students in the groups Age 18-19 and Age 45-54 have the highest graduation rates whereas the group Age 20-24 have the lowest graduation rates.
Graduation Rates of Remediated Students v. Non- Remediated Students Institution Type 100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Remed. Students Non-Remed. Students Remed. Students Non-Remed. Students Remed. Students Non-Remed. Students 4-Year Universities10.5%35.9%22.1%52.8%24.1%55.6% 2-Year Colleges7.1%28.7%12.2%33.2%19.2%38.5% 100% Rate – Remediated Students graduate at rates 21.6 to 25.4 percentage points lower than Non-Remediated Students 150% Rate – Remediated Students graduate at rates 21.0 to 30.7 percentage points lower than Non-Remediated Students 250% Rate – Remediated Students graduate at rates 19.3 to 31.6 percentage points lower than Non-Remediated Students
IPEDS Graduation Rates Most Recent IPEDS Graduation Rates 6-Year Graduation Rates Graduation & Transfer Rates 3-Year Graduation Rates Graduation & Transfer Rates #ITInstitutionGRS Rate Transfer-Out Rate #ITInstitutionGRS Rate Transfer-Out Rate 11ASUJ 39%34% 12ANC 23%22% 21ATU 45%26% 22ASUB 39%15% 31HSU 36%35% 32ASUMH 24%20% 41SAUM 31%26% 42ASUN 32%6% 51UAF 62%0% 52BRTC 18%0% 61UAFS 26%13% 62CCCUA 24%0% 71UALR 27%39% 72CotO 23%13% 81UAM 28%18% 82EACC 13%15% 91UAMS 92MSCC 11%20% 101UAPB 27%16% 102NAC 23%17% 111UCA 45%18% 112NPCC 18%7% 4-Year Universities 42%19% 122NWACC 16%17% 1PABC 19%0% 132OZC 24%10% 2PCBC 32%11% 142PCCUA 27%18% 3PCRC 19%48% 152PTC 10%13% 4PHC 73%0% 162RMCC 24%6% 5PHU 63%0% 172SACC 13%8% 6PJBU 61%0% 182SAUT 41%7% 7PLC 49%0% 192SEAC 19%8% 8POBU 58%0% 202UACCB 24%17% 9PPSC 39%0% 212UACCH 31%7% 10PUO 48%0% 222UACCM 27%7% 11PWBC 41%0%2-Year Colleges22%12% Private/Independents 56%1%GRS = Graduation Rate Survey
Athletic Retention and Graduation Rates AHECB Meeting of April 30, 2015
Rick Jenkins Associate Director, Planning and Accountability
1-Year Retention Rates The 1-year retention rate of Student Athletes are higher than All Students, All Remediated Students, and All Non-Remediated Students.
Graduation Rates Athletic data is only reported to ADHE by public institutions. Ten (10) 4-Year Universities and two (2) 2-Year Colleges participate in college athletics. The graduation rates reported herein have been re-designed. The graduation rate uses a cohort of: first-time entering, credential-seeking students, from the entire academic year, not just the fall term, and includes all full-time and part-time students. In addition, the new graduation rates uses a 100%, 150%, and 250% time rate for counting graduates. Such time rate in years is used for counting all credentials earned. Inst. Type100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate 4-Year Universities4 Years*6 Years*10 Years* 2-Year Colleges2 Years*3 Years*5 Years* Private/Independents4 Years*6 Years*10 Years* *Plus the months of July and August for the next academic year.
Graduation Rates: 4-Year Universities 100% Rate: Athletes exceed All Students 4 times (0.1%-5.5%). 150% Rate: Athletes exceed All Students 5 times (2.9%-8.7%). 250% Rate: Athletes exceed All Students 5 times (2.4%-7.0%).
Graduation Rates: 2-Year Colleges 100% Rate: Athletes exceed All Students 1 time (18.8%). 150% Rate: Athletes exceed All Students 1 time (0.1%). 250% Rate: Athletes exceed All Students 1 time (4.2%).
Graduation Rates by Sport ADHE Annual Graduation Rates for Athletes by Sport Football 100% Rate 150% Rate 250% Rate Men's Basketball 100% Rate 150% Rate 250% Rate 4-Year Universities25.1%36.8%32.2%4-Year Universities26.9%33.3%40.5% 2-Year Colleges 0.0%12.5%33.3% Women's Basketball 100% Rate 150% Rate 250% Rate Baseball 100% Rate 150% Rate 250% Rate 4-Year Universities27.5%56.4%57.1%4-Year Universities20.5%35.4%35.2% 2-Year Colleges50.0%42.9%62.5%2-Year Colleges28.0%12.5%12.2% Track 100% Rate 150% Rate 250% Rate All Others 100% Rate 150% Rate 250% Rate 4-Year Universities40.0%58.9%50.5%4-Year Universities39.7%60.2%56.5% 2-Year Colleges 55.6%16.7%14.3% NOTE: 2-Year Colleges did not participate in Football or Track.
Remediation Rates
Remediation Rates by Sport Remediation Rates cannot yet be calculated for Athletes for the 2014 Fall term as athletic data is an annual data submission.
Graduation Rates of Remediated Athletes Comparison of ADHE Annual Graduation Rates between Remediated Athletes and Non-Remediated Athletes 100% Rate150% Rate250% Rate Remediated Athletes 4-Year Universities17.1%40.5%32.3% 2-Year Colleges21.4%7.7%13.3% Non-Remediated Athletes 4-Year Universities41.5%55.6%54.5% 2-Year Colleges56.3%42.9%39.1% Difference 4-Year Universities24.4%15.1%22.2% 2-Year Colleges34.9%35.2%25.8% Non-Remediated Athletes graduate at higher rates than Remediated Athletes.
New Program Productivity Ann Clemmer Senior Associate Director of Academic Affairs
Productivity Period Baccalaureate and Graduate programs approved in Academic Year 2009 Undergraduate Certificate and Associate programs approved in Academic Year 2011
Active and On-Track Programs New Programs Certificate and Associate Bachelor's, Graduate, Professional Total Active Programs 672188 Program On- Track to Meet Standard 331750 Percent On-Track 49.3%81.0%56.8%
AHECB Program Viability Standards Degree LevelStandard Graduates Over a Three-Year Period 01 Certificate of Proficiency 02 Technical Certificate 03 Associate Degree (AAS Only) 12 03 Associate Degree (AA, AS, and AAT)18 Graduates Over a Five-Year Period 05 Bachelor Degrees18 05 Bachelor Degrees (in science, mathematics, engineering, foreign languages, middle school education, and secondary education programs for licensure in science and mathematics) 12 07 Master’s Degree12 08 Specialist12 17 Doctoral: Research/Scholarship6 18 Doctoral: Professional Practice12
Active and On-Track Programs by Institution Type
Active and On-Track Programs by 2-Year Institution
Active and On-Track Programs by Institution Type
Active and On-Track Programs by 4-Year Institution
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