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Designed by Pyeongsug Kim ©2010 SI Session Topic 15 Bryophytes Spring 2010 For Dr. Hughey’s Bio 3 Class Picture from

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1 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim ©2010 SI Session Topic 15 Bryophytes Spring 2010 For Dr. Hughey’s Bio 3 Class Picture from Sphagnum

2 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C

3 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Hepatophyta Marchantia (Female/Male) gammetophytes(n) Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Gamma cups What do Gamma cups contain?Gammae

4 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Archegoniophore Sporophytes(2n) Female? Male? Antheridiophore Female? Male? Gemma cups Archegonial head

5 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Hepatophyta Marchantia Gamma cups (containing gemmae) Function of gemmae? Asexual reproduction

6 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Antheridia Antheridiophore Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Marchantia Archegoniophore Archegonia with eggs(n) Hepatophyta

7 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Marchantia Sporophytes(2n) with spores(n) Hepatophyta seta Foot

8 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Anthoceros Anthocerophyta Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Gametophyte Sporophyte Gametophyte thallus Hornworts

9 Phylum Bryophyta Mnium Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C “True moss” Class Sphagnidae Class Adreaeidae Class Bryidae Sphagnum “Peat mosses”“Granite mosses” Polytrichum Andreaea

10 ___________ ~ gammetophytes are erect and little branched, bearing terminal sporophytes ____________ ~ creeping, highly branched; the sporophytes are borne laterally Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Growth form in true moss (Class Brydae) Cushiony Feathery

11 What type of Growth form? Feathery? Cushiony? Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009 Feathery? Cushiony?


13 Phylum ______________ Class ______________ Genus ______________ Mnium Bryophyta Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Sporophyte(2n) Sporangium Female gametophytes(n) Bryidae Feathery? Cushiony? Calsule in Mnium (Sporangium)

14 Phylum ______________ Class ______________ Genus ______________ Mnium Bryophyta Antheridia What happens in these structure? Produce sperms(n) Archegonia Egg Stalk Neck Paraphyses Antheridia Spermatogenus tissue Sterile jacket layer Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Bryidae

15 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Bud Protonemata The green filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte. Phylum ______________ Class ______________ Bryophyta Bryidae These filamentous structures grew from spores.

16 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2010 Phylum ____________ Class ____________ Genus ____________ Bryophyta Polytrichum Bridae What type of growth form? Feathery? Cushiony?

17 Phylum ____________ Class ____________ Genus ____________ Bryophyta Polytrichum Bridae Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2010 Cushiony? Feathery? Calsule in Polytrichum (Sporangium) Calsule in Mnium (Sporangium) Male gammetophytes(n) Female gammetophytes(n) Antheridium

18 Do you remember? The dried moss you saw in Bio3 Lab. It was … Phylum ______________ Class ____________ Genus __________ Sphagnum Bryophyta Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2010 Sphagnidae

19 Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Female? Male? Marchantia Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Hepatophyta Phylum ______________ Genus ______________ Anthoceros Anthocerophyta Phylum ____________ Class ____________ Genus ____________ Bryophyta Polytrichum Bridae

20 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009C Phylum ___________ Genus ___________ Female? Male? Marchantia Hepatophyta Phylum ____________ Genus ____________ Bryophyta Polytrichum Bryidae Phylum ______________ Class ____________ Genus __________ Sphagnum Bryophyta Sphagnidae

21 Phylum ______________ Class ____________ Genus __________ Sphagnum Bryophyta Sphagnidae Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2010

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