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Amphibian Classification

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1 Amphibian Classification


3 Amphibian Classification Notes
Amphibians occur on all continents except Antarctica. There are about 4000 living species of amphibian. These species belong to 3 orders: 1. Caudata 2. Gymnophiona 3. Anura

4 ORDER CAUDATA Members of this order are the salamanders.
They possess a tail throughout their life and may or may not have legs.

5 ORDER CAUDATA There are about 350 species of salamander and almost half of these live in North America. Most salamanders that live on land (terrestrial) live on the forest floor and have aquatic larvae.

6 ORDER CAUDATA Members of the family Salamandridae are commonly called newts. They spend most of their time in water and will often keep their fins.

7 ORDER CAUDATA Salamanders range in length from a few centimeters to 1.5 meters (Japanese giant salamander) The largest North American salamander is the hellbender, which gets about 65 centimeters.


9 ORDER CAUDATA Most salamanders have internal fertilization.
Males produce a jelly-like substance that contains their sperm and the females pick up and store the sperm in a special pouch called the spermatheca. Eggs are deposited in clumps or strings. Larvae are similar to adults but smaller. Many salamanders will undergo incomplete metamorphosis and are paedomorphic—become sexually active while still having larval characteristics.


11 ORDER GYMNOPHIONA Members of this order are the caecilians.
There are about 160 species, found mostly in tropical regions.

12 ORDER GYMNOPHIONA Caecilians are wormlike burrowers that feed on worms and other invertebrates in the soil. Caecilians appear segmented because of folds of skin that cover separations between muscles.

13 ORDER GYMNOPHIONA They have a retracting tentacle between their eyes and nostrils that may transport chemicals from the environment to sensory cells in the roof of the mouth. Skin covers their eyes so they are nearly blind.

14 ORDER GYMNOPHIONA Fertilization is internal.
Larval stages often occur inside the female. The young emerge from the female as miniature adults. Some caecilians will lay eggs that develop into aquatic larvae.

15 ORDER ANURA This order contains frogs and toads.
There are about 3500 species. Anurans live in moist environments, except in high latitudes. Adults do not have tails. Hindlimbs are long and muscular and end in webbed feet.

16 ORDER ANURA Fertilization is almost always external, and eggs and larvae are usually aquatic. The larval stage is called a tadpole and has a well-developed tail.

17 ORDER ANURA They have no limbs until almost the end of the larval stage. Larvae are herbivores and have a beaklike structure for feeding. These larvae undergo a drastic and rapid metamorphosis to the adult body form.


19 ORDER ANURA The distinction between “frog” and “toad” is not very scientific. “Toad” usually refers to anurans with dry and warty skin and are more terrestrial than other members of this order.

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