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Made by María Helped by Sergio 3ºA. Benefits of having a complete breakfast: -It’s the first meal of the day, so it gives you energy for the whole day.

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Presentation on theme: "Made by María Helped by Sergio 3ºA. Benefits of having a complete breakfast: -It’s the first meal of the day, so it gives you energy for the whole day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made by María Helped by Sergio 3ºA

2 Benefits of having a complete breakfast: -It’s the first meal of the day, so it gives you energy for the whole day. - Children get less hungry and tired when they have breakfast every day. - They get less discentrated, and work better at school.

3 What happens when you don’t have breakfast: -Less concentration, memory and mental performance. -Due to tiredness, children often get grumpy and in a bad mood. -There are more posibilities to get sick; therefore, children usually miss classes.

4 A healthy breakfast should include: - Milk and all its derivatives, like yoghourt. It provides calcium, which is good for bones strenght. - Cereals such as bread, wheat or corn. They have carbohydrates, which give you energy. - Fruits. They have fibre, vitamins and water.

5 Things we should avoid eating for breakfast: -Fat food: Chips, industrial bakery, etc. -Sweets: Chocolate, cakes, donuts, etc.

6 In conclusion, we must have a healthy breakfast every day and we mustn’t skip it any day. THE END

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