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HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL TRAVEL PLAN COORDINATOR Linda Downing Wolverhampton City Council.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL TRAVEL PLAN COORDINATOR Linda Downing Wolverhampton City Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL TRAVEL PLAN COORDINATOR Linda Downing Wolverhampton City Council

2 Don’t despair ! You have or are about to join a network of professionals who are all keen and ready to support you. Be confident ! It is not rocket science …..although sometimes you may want to use a rocket to propel staff into mode change ! Try any idea you have ! It may be just the ticket (pun intended ! ) and if it doesn't work try something else. WHAT HAVE I SIGNED UP TO ?

3 Working within a local authority has challenges all of its own The governance can sometimes be restrictive so I needed all my patience Staff are spread across various buildings so logistically communication could be challenging. I linked in with Public Health to progress some ideas and spread the word. Second survey has revealed some interesting results as we have lost a great number of staff. WHERE I AM AT IN WOLVERHAMPTON

4 Communications. I linked in with Public Health, this widened my scope and got the project noticed even more. I arranged a reindeer ride (bikes) in December (must have been mad!) A led walk in December (still mad ) This was a campaign to cut the calories for Christmas It worked ! Led walks are now in the diary and staff are asking for more led rides. More interest in the pool bikes for lunchtime use and local business use. Some cycle training interest WHAT WORKED

5 Active travel surgery Held at the Civic Centre where we spoke to as many staff as possible to do journey planning, ticket offers etc. Supported Public Health activities with more led walks, Organised Walk Leader training so we sustain post SNSC Promoted Public transport options WHAT ELSE WORKED

6 CYCLING ACTIVITIES To promote cycling to staff a bikers breakfast has been held, with more planned. The authority promotes Cycle to Work Salary Sacrifice Scheme Staff can use pool bikes and we have recently purchased 2 electric bikes

7 TOP CYCLING AND WALKING LOCATION Dr Bike events These events also supported staff who wished to cycle and ensure their bike was roadworthy. I linked this in to the bikers breakfast …….food is always a good bribe ! Bikeright ! Are here to support you.

8 TOP CYCLING AND WALKING LOCATION To support actions in the Travel Plan. We worked hard to achieve Top Cycling and Walking Location GOLD Award, which we are very proud of. We needed evidence of what we do and why and were awarded extra grant top up. This has paid for cycling Pit stop boxes, Cycling toolkits, pedometers, water bottles and bags. This is still ongoing as we want to maintain our current GOLD status

9 Wolverhampton Car Share database Why bother ? Staff car use for business. CAR SHARE

10 WHAT NEXT ? Follow up surveys annually Act on the information and ensure staff get feedback Widen your horizons Pool cars, mileage allowances etc. Cycle and walking champions If you can think it you can try it ! Join in with seasonal campaigns, where you can. Walk to Work, day /week.Cycle to work, My Trip Tracker Challenges So ok, where do I get help if I need it ?

11 THIS WILL HELP ! The Smart Network £5,000 Grant

12 AND THIS ……….. Centro Business support team Business 0121 214 7409 Website with resources Also as a business in Wolverhampton …..You have my support too !

13 Thank you Any questions ? Linda Downing Professional Lead Sustainable Travel Wolverhampton City Council 01902 555698 GET IN TOUCH

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