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9-3 Conflicts that happened to Americans in foreign seas  1.  2.  3.

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Presentation on theme: "9-3 Conflicts that happened to Americans in foreign seas  1.  2.  3."— Presentation transcript:

1 9-3 Conflicts that happened to Americans in foreign seas  1.  2.  3.

2 Foreign action AMERICAN RESPONSE ( be specific, use term and name in each ) Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast states British use impressment to bolster their numbers in their Navy British attack American ship- Chesapeake

3 9-3 A Time of Conflict

4 Essential Questions  What foreign conflicts did America become involved in during Jefferson’s 2 nd term?  How did America react to these conflicts?

5 List 3 items that show what happened to American’s in foreign seas: Conflicts that happened to Americans  1.  2.  3.

6 List 3 items that show what happened to American’s in foreign seas: Conflicts that happened to Americans  1. Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast (pirates) states – seize Philadelphia  2. British use impressment to increase their numbers in their Navy  3. British attack American ship-Chesapeake

7 Foreign action AMERICAN RESPONSE ( be specific, use term and name in each ) Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast states British use impressment to increase their numbers in their Navy British (Leopard) attack American ship- Chesapeake

8 Foreign action AMERICAN RESPONSE (be specific- use terms/names) Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast states Blockade Tripoli harbor, Stephen Decatur burned a captured ship, negotiations ended the war, ransom paid— British use impressment to increase their numbers in their Navy British (Leopard) attack American ship-Chesapeake

9 Blockade and bombardment of Tripoli harbor One of those ships involved was USS CONSTITUTION


11 Burning of the Philadelphia STEPHEN DECATUR

12 Foreign action AMERICAN RESPONSE (be specific- use terms/names) Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast states Blockade Tripoli harbor, Stephen Decatur burned a captured ship, negotiations ended the war, ransom paid—60,000$ British use impressment to increase their numbers in their Navy British (Leopard) attack American ship-Chesapeake

13 Foreign action AMERICAN RESPONSE (be specific- use terms/names) Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast states Blockade Tripoli harbor, Stephen Decatur burned a captured ship, negotiations ended the war, ransom paid—60,000$ British use impressment to increase their numbers in their Navy Americans proclaimed they had neutral rights at sea. In the ongoing war between : England and France British (Leopard) attack American ship-Chesapeake


15 Foreign action AMERICAN RESPONSE (be specific- use terms/names) Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast states Blockade Tripoli harbor, Stephen Decatur burned a captured ship, negotiations ended the war, ransom paid British use impressment to increase their numbers in their Navy Americans proclaimed they had neutral rights at sea. British (Leopard) attack American ship-Chesapeake Secretary of State James Madison calls for war!

16 Foreign action AMERICAN RESPONSE (be specific- use terms/names) Attacked by pirates from Barbary Coast states Blockade Tripoli harbor, Stephen Decatur burned a captured ship, negotiations ended the war, ransom paid British use impressment to increase their numbers in their Navy Americans proclaimed they had neutral rights at sea. British (Leopard) attack American ship-Chesapeake Secretary of State James Madison calls for war Congress passes the Embargo Act & Nonintercourse Act

17 Commodore Barron Commodore Decatur

18 Essential Questions  What foreign conflicts did America become involved in during Jefferson’s 2 nd term?  How did America react to these conflicts?

19 War Fever  With who?  Great Britain  France  Native Americans  Who was the biggest threat?  Great Britain

20 Essential Questions:  Why are there frontier conflicts? Who is involved?  How do struggles with Indians tie in with our struggles with Great Britain?

21 Who and why were there frontier conflicts?  American westward movement moved on to Indian land  An Indian leader tried to stop this  TECUMSEH  Who was the PROPHET?  his brother

22 Who else was involved?  American governor of Indiana Territory:  William Henry Harrison  Tensions grew between Indians and white settlers.  A confrontation came about when Harrison’s forces attack the Indian encampment at Prophetstown in 1811.  This would be known as Battle of Tippecanoe


24 Describe the positive and negatives of the American victory at Tippecanoe.  Positive-  Americans had defeated the Indians in Indiana, opened area to settlement.  Negative-  This defeat pushed the Indians to side with the British as allies in the upcoming war!

25 Essential Questions:  Explain the frontier conflicts and Who is involved.  How do struggles with Indians tie in with our struggles with Great Britain?

26 Use these words to answer the Essential ?  workedsupport  stopTippecanoe  TecumsehProphetstown  Prophetattacked  hopedvictory  Harrisonrecruiting  British





31 IN 1988, Pan Am 103 blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland. The plane carried over 260 people (190- Americans). All were lost. Information led to a an arrest of Libyan terrorist responsible for the bombing. The bomb had been concealed in a radio and set to go off at a predetermined altitude. The bomber, at his trial in 1990. The bomber, most recent photo in Aug 2009


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