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Hussam: I ’ m hungry. Would you mind stopping at a supermarket? Father: No problem. Hussam: I ’ ll just grab a bar of chocolate and a soda.

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8 Hussam: I ’ m hungry. Would you mind stopping at a supermarket? Father: No problem. Hussam: I ’ ll just grab a bar of chocolate and a soda. Can I get you something? Father: No, thanks. I ’ ve already had my breakfast. Are you going to have soda on an empty stomach? Why don ’ t you have something healthier instead? Hussam: Like what? Father: A kelija. Here, try one. Hussam: Ummm, it ’ s really good. It ’ s delicious. Father: And it ’ s good for you. It ’ s rich in fibre. A. Listen and practice.

9 Name the 4 groups of the Food Pyramid ? 1) ……………………… 2) ……………………… 3) ………………………… 4) …………………………… General questions: Write 2 healthy eating habits : 1) …………………………………………… 2) …………………………………………… Fat and oil. Milk, nuts, meat, eggs... Fruit and vegetables. Bread and cereals Have a good breakfast every morning. Drink lots of water Date: / / 143 AH

10 A) Choose the correct words: Healthy unhealthy Healthy unhealthy Healthy unhealthy

11 healthy rich greasy spicy salty

12 Would you mind.? Could..? Can...? Would you..?

13 Could youmake mea cup of tea, please ? Sure, no problem. Sorry. I’d like to, but …… Sure, ok. Could Imakea cup of tea?

14 Would youmake mea sandwich, please ? Sure, no problem. Sorry. Sure, but …… Sure, ok.

15 Would you mindcookingthe meat ? Sure, no problem. Sorry. Sure, but …… Sure, ok.

16 Can youbuysome bread, please ? Sure, no problem. Sorry. Sure, but …… Sure, ok.

17 A. Complete the conversations. A : ……………………………………... … B : Sorry, the supermarket I ’ m going to, doesn ’ t have a bakery. A : Would you make me a sandwich,please? B : …………………………………………… ………………………………………. …… Would you bring bread with you, please? Sure, no problem.

18 A : Could you get us some more water, please? B : ………………………………………... A : Oh, and would you mind bringing a clean towel, as well? No problem. A : …………………………….. ………. …… B : No problem, but I don ’ t have their phone number Would you call Lina ’ s family?

19 A) Make a request: 1- plan healthy food. 2- wash dishes. 3- cook a large meal. Can you plan healthy food? Would you mind washing the dishes, please? Could you cook a large meal? Would you wash the dishes, please?

20 Could I have the bill please? Would you mind baking me a cake? Would you please fill up my gas cylinder ? Would you please make us some shawerma? Could you please buy some popcorn?


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