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QOD 1/18 What event is shown in this painting?. The End of the War.

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Presentation on theme: "QOD 1/18 What event is shown in this painting?. The End of the War."— Presentation transcript:

1 QOD 1/18 What event is shown in this painting?

2 The End of the War

3 I) The End of the War A) The British Mistake

4 I) The End of the War A) The British Mistake 1) The British received word that the French were going to land in New England

5 I) The End of the War A) The British Mistake 1) The British received word that the French were going to land in New England 2) With this knowledge, they could destroy them before they reached shore

6 I) The End of the War A) The British Mistake 1) The British received word that the French were going to land in New England 2) With this knowledge, they could destroy them before they reached shore 3) They abandoned Philadelphia and moved to New York

7 I) The End of the War A) The British Mistake 1) The British received word that the French were going to land in New England 2) With this knowledge, they could destroy them before they reached shore 3) They abandoned Philadelphia and moved to New York a. In NY, Washington attacked the British, taking their focus off of the French, which allowed them to reach shore

8 B) War in the South 1) Gen. Cornwallis spent his time chasing after the “Swamp Fox” Francis Marion

9 B) War in the South 1) Gen. Cornwallis spent his time chasing after the “Swamp Fox” Francis Marion 2) Marion fought a guerrilla war causing the British headaches

10 B) War in the South 1) Gen. Cornwallis spent his time chasing after the “Swamp Fox” Francis Marion 2) Marion fought a guerrilla war causing the British headaches 3) Eventually, Cornwallis grew tired of chasing Marion and moved his troops to Yorktown


12 C) War in the West 1) GRC

13 C) War in the West 1) GRC 2) Spain joined the war in 1779, and began attacking the British along the Mississippi River

14 D) Victory in Yorktown 1) Cornwallis was content in Yorktown

15 D) Victory in Yorktown 1) Cornwallis was content in Yorktown a. it was on a bay protected by the Navy

16 D) Victory in Yorktown 1) Cornwallis was content in Yorktown a. it was on a bay protected by the Navy b. he could easily be resupplied

17 D) Victory in Yorktown 1) Cornwallis was content in Yorktown a. it was on a bay protected by the Navy b. he could easily be resupplied c. he could get his troops out easily by ship

18 D) Victory in Yorktown 2) However, Washington marched in from the North surrounding Yorktown on land, and the French brought 28 warships and troops from the south to seal off the bay and capture Yorktown


20 D) Victory in Yorktown 2) However, Washington marched in from the North surrounding Yorktown on land, and the French brought 28 warships and troops from the south to seal off the bay and capture Yorktown Time line event: October 19, 1781 = Americans win at Yorktown

21 D) Victory in Yorktown 3) Cornwallis an his 8,000 troops were forced to surrender.

22 E) Treaty of Paris (1783) 1) After Yorktown, the British began peace talks

23 E) Treaty of Paris (1783) 1) After Yorktown, the British began peace talks 2) It would take nearly 2 years for the final agreement:

24 E) Treaty of Paris (1783) 1) After Yorktown, the British began peace talks 2) It would take nearly 2 years for the final agreement: a. United States is an independent nation

25 E) Treaty of Paris (1783) 1) After Yorktown, the British began peace talks 2) It would take nearly 2 years for the final agreement: a. United States is an independent nation b. British ceded all land between Atlantic Coast and Mississippi Rive from Florida to Canada to the United States

26 E) Treaty of Paris (1783) c. US agreed to return all property taken from loyalists

27 E) Treaty of Paris (1783) c. US agreed to return all property taken from loyalists d. US agreed to pay all debts owed to Britain

28 E) Treaty of Paris (1783) c. US agreed to return all property taken from loyalists d. US agreed to pay all debts owed to Britain Time Line Event : Spring of 1783 The End of the American Revolutionary War (Treaty of Paris)

29 Treaty of Paris, 1783

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