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3  1. Introduction  As organizations are increasingly dependent on information  technologies for sustainability and profitability, defending digital  information assets against misuse or hacking has assumed vital  importance.  As organizations are increasingly dependent on information technologies for sustainability and profitability, defending digital information assets against misuse or hacking has assumed vital importance. INTRODUCTION  In essence, identity theft and financial fraud conducted by hackers have evolved into serious and pervasive threats to consumers and the financial services industry.

4 GGetting onto someone else xbox live account when the account info has been kept secret (this is only hacking, if they get into the system themselves such as Admin) What is Hacker??  Hacking is the means of bypassing a security system for the means of accomplishing a task that is prohibited by the service or a machine.  Examples  Deleting someone else's Facebook/Twitter/Myspace account whereas the other person did not give any info away

5 5) they can look tough over everyone, look hard Why would people want to hack? 1) it makes them feel clever and important 2) they can talk crap all they want as they will hack you if you talk 3) they can access anything, anybodys machine, popular services 4) everything is free

6  keystroke loggers — software or sometimes hardware that records every key press on a computer's keyboard for the hacker to access — may reveal passwords and other important security information What are the effects of computer hacking that's focused on obtaining data?  trade secrets may be compromised  personal details of individuals or customers, such as address information, social security numbers, bank account data, and credit card numbers may be used for identity theft, a $50 billion problem


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