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Dynamics: Nov. 11. Which are non-divergent, irrational ??

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamics: Nov. 11. Which are non-divergent, irrational ??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamics: Nov. 11


3 Which are non-divergent, irrational ??

4 Circulation: Circulations often conserved. = Deformation: Flow over mountains Orthonormal to div, vort.  Flow can be broken down into divergent, rotational, and deformation components

5 Both deformation And shear Strengthen frontal zones

6 Effective gravity g, includes centrifugal force Motion introduces additional force : Coriolis f= Flow to right of motion =>CW in NH

7 2 examples: land-sea breeze (Hsu, 1970, MWR) mountain slope/valley circulation (Rocky Mountains/Plains) katabatic flow ? INERTIAL CIRCLES: less common in atmosphere (less inertia)

8 Motion determined by balance between pressure gradient Force, Coriolis force, frictional force Geostrophic wind = balanced pressure/coriolis flow F x,y =vertical gradient in horizonal momentum NH *1/  Midlatitude horizontal velocities ~ 10 m/s Dv/dt ~ 10 -4 m s -2 Coriolis force ~fV~10 -3 m s -2

9 In Boundary Layer, frictional drag in evidence Wind speed sub-geostrophic, drifts towards lower pressure fV = |P|cos 


11 Gradient Wind: in regions of high curvature, add the centripetal acceleration to eqn of motion Sub-geostrophic Super-geostrophic

12 Thermal Wind: The vertical shear in geostrophic wind Is related to the horizontal temperature gradient Barotropic atm => grad T =0 =>geostrophic wind constant Equivalent barotropic

13 Again… Explains why westerlies strongest At top of troposphere

14 Do these plots make sense ?? 30-yr Mean meridional Profile Of temp. and zonal Wind, from Australia to Eastern Siberia, January

15 Cold advection Warm advection

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