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Workplace Skills Group Autism & Asperger Connections 3/1/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Workplace Skills Group Autism & Asperger Connections 3/1/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workplace Skills Group Autism & Asperger Connections 3/1/14

2 2 Today’s Agenda  1:00-1:05 – Welcome & Agenda Review  1:05-2:05 – Rocky Mountain ADA Center (Guest Speaker)  2:05-2:15 – Break  2:15-2:50 – Discussion: Disclosure in the Workplace  2:50-2:55 – Assignment  2:55-3:00 – Q&A / Wrap-Up

3 3 Chantal Woodyard Rocky Mountain ADA Center

4 4 Break Please be back in 10 minutes

5 5 Discussion: Disclosure in the Workplace

6 6 Discussion  What experiences have you had with disclosure in the workplace or elsewhere?  What are the most important things you learned from today’s ADA presentation?  How will you incorporate what you learned into your current workplace or job search?  What other challenges have you faced related to the workplace or your job search?

7 7 Key Points  There is no hard and fast rule as to whether or not you should disclose your diagnosis  There is no law that says you must tell a potential employer or current employer about your diagnosis – unless you want to request protections or accommodations under the ADA  To learn more about ADA provisions and potential accommodations, visit:  Rocky Mountain ADA Center:  ADA National Network:

8 8 Key Questions  When deciding whether (and how much) to disclose to your employer, ask yourself:  Why do you want your employer to know about your diagnosis?  Will disclosure improve your work situation or professional relationships? How so?  Are you prepared to ask your employer to support you in a different way because of this new information? Can you be specific about what you need?  What are the risks of disclosing? Tip: Before approaching your employer, prepare by talking through these questions with someone you trust.

9 9 Assignment for Next Meeting  April WS Group Topic: “Handling Difficult Workplace Situations”  Assignment for next meeting  If you’re currently looking for a job:  Complete several job applications and turn them in to the employers.  If you’re currently employed:  Sign up for free training and career development workshops at

10 10 Q&A

11 11 Thank you for coming today!

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