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Divided Kingdom -- Part I 1 Kings 12:1-14:20, 1 Kings 15:25-22:40, 2 Kings Chapters 2, 4, and 5, Hosea 1-3 and Jonah The Northern Tribes.

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Presentation on theme: "Divided Kingdom -- Part I 1 Kings 12:1-14:20, 1 Kings 15:25-22:40, 2 Kings Chapters 2, 4, and 5, Hosea 1-3 and Jonah The Northern Tribes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Divided Kingdom -- Part I 1 Kings 12:1-14:20, 1 Kings 15:25-22:40, 2 Kings Chapters 2, 4, and 5, Hosea 1-3 and Jonah The Northern Tribes

2 Timeline Information  Narrative Books:  1 Kings 12-22  2 Kings  Supplemental Books:  2 Chronicles  God’s Family Plan:  No further development  Where the Action is:  Land of Canaan, within the kingdoms of:  Israel (North)  Capital - Samaria  Judah (South)  Capital - Jerusalem  Time  930-722 BC (or 587 as the next time period begins at different times for Judah and Israel)

3 Timeline Information  World Power  Assyria  Secular History  First Olympic Games -- 776 BC  Founding of Rome -- 753 BC  Homer writes the “Iliad” and “Odyssey” -- 753 BC

4 The Kingdom Divides (1 Kings 12:1-14:20)  Rehoboam and Jeroboam  After Solomon dies:  Solomon’s son Rehoboam becomes king  Jeroboam rebels and becomes king in the north (Israel) and leaves Rehoboam in the south (Judah)  The Kingdom Divides (#41 on timeline)

5 The Kings of Israel (1 Kings 15:25 - 22:40)  Evils in the Northern Kingdom  Poverty  Idolatry (Worship of Baal)  Adultery  Oppression of the poor  Faith is deteriorating

6 God’s Prophets  Evil gives rise to God’s prophets  Prophet:  Messenger of God  One who can see clearly and criticize the present moment  One who advises and corrects the Kings

7 The Prophet Elijah and His Miracles  Elijah is called to deal with King Ahab and his wicked wife Jezebel who worships (1 Kings 17)  The Miracles  Predicts a drought – “As the Lord of Israel lives, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years except by my word”  Miracle of meal and oil for the widow  Raising of widow’s son from death

8 Elijah and Elisha  Elijah (1 Kings 18)  Contest at Carmel (#42) - “How long will you go limping with two different opinions?”  Naboth’s Vineyard – Jezebel arranges the death of Naboth – “And the dogs shall eat Jezebel…”  Elisha, the successor of Elijah  Elijah is taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot  Elisha asks for this… “Let me inherit a double share of your spirit” (2 Kings 2: 9-18)  Elisha’s name means: “God saves”  A miracle worker – similar to Elijah

9 Amos and Hosea  The prophet Amos – the first writing prophet (p. 1155)  A prophet of God’s justice – “They sell the righteous for silver and the needy for a pair of shoes…”  Amos was an unprepared shepherd that God empowers to preach  The prophet Hosea – a prophet of love and mercy of God (p. 1136)  Marries Gomer, a prostitute  Compares God’s love for Israel as that of a loyal husband for his disloyal wife  Israel’s sin is like adultery…he uses marriage images  “I will betroth you to me forever; in righteousness and justice, in steadfast love and mercy.”

10 Prophets Sent to the Northern Kingdom  Jonah (#43)  God sends Jonah to the Assyrian capital (Nineveh)  Story of Jonah and the fish  He returns to Nineveh and warns the city to repent, which it does  Jonah’s anger with God is answered with God’s simple statement that he is concerned about all mankind, not just the Jews

11 Divided Kingdom -- Part II 1 Kings 14:21-15:8, 2 Kings 8:16-24, 2 Chronicles 11:5-12:1, 2 Kings Chapters 8, 11 and 12, 2 Kings 18:1-21:18, Isaiah 22:14-24, Isaiah 5-6, Micah 6:1-8 The Southern Tribes

12 The Prophet Isaiah  Page 906  Name means “God is salvation”  He exposes the fall of Judah and Jerusalem  Like the Savior he foretold, Isaiah was tortured and murdered  There are 17 prophecies of Isaiah that are fulfilled by Christ in detail

13  Isaiah  There are two parts to the book  Part I: God’s justice and judgment  This warns Judah of exile if they do not repent  Part II: God’s mercy and forgiveness  Message of salvation, mercy, and the need for faith and hope  This encourages people who have already suffered the exile to hope

14  The Inaugural Vision (Is 6: 1-13)  (Notice themes in Mass)  “Holy, holy, holy… earth is full of His glory.”  The burning coal touches his lips  “Whom shall I send? Here I am! Send me!”  Find the echoes of the words of Jesus about people not hearing  Prophecy of the Virgin and Emmanuel  “Ask a sign…a virgin will conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel.” (Is 7:14)  Emmanuel = “God with us”

15  The birth of the Messiah King  Themes of light and darkness  Messianic titles of this child – “Wonderful, counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”  The reign of the Messiah  “Stump of Jesse” – Jesus will come from what looked like a dead stump of the Jewish people  When Jesus comes there will be universal peace – “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb.” (Christmas card images)  The gifts of the Holy Spirit (p. 921)

16  Predicts Jesus will be born in Bethlehem  Bethlehem – “house of bread”  Judah (Southern Kingdom) is deported to Babylon  Israel (Northern Kingdom) is destroyed by Assyria  All because of sin! The Prophet Micah (p. 1174)

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