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Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí Faculty of Medicine Scientific English 120A Instructor : Marisol Barraza Group Presentation Project Heat Emergencies Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí Faculty of Medicine Scientific English 120A Instructor : Marisol Barraza Group Presentation Project Heat Emergencies Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí Faculty of Medicine Scientific English 120A Instructor : Marisol Barraza Group Presentation Project Heat Emergencies Group Members: Adames Alessandrina 4-765-2105 Arjona Mariet 4-900-123 Branda Denis 4-763-418 Romero Sinthia 4-768-194 Date: 11/21/11

2 Index 1. Glossary 2. General Information 3. Heat Emergencies Categories 4. Heat Cramps 5. Heat Cramps Symptoms 6. Heat Exhaustion 7. Heat Exhaustion Symptoms 8. Heat Stroke 9. Heat Stroke Symptoms 10. Heat Emergencies Causes 11. Heat Emergencies First Aid 12. Calling 911 13. Heat Emergencies Prevention 14. Heat Emergencies Treatment 15. Heat Emergencies Equipment 16. Bibliography

3 Glossary 1. Heat Emergencies : emergencias por el calor 2. Heat Cramps : calambres por calor 3. Heat Exhaustion : agotamiento por calor 4. Heat Stroke : golpe de calor 5. Higher risk : mayor riesgo 6. Prolonged exposure : exposición prolongada 7. Diuretics : diaureticos 8. Sweat gland problems : problemas en la glándula sudorípara 9. Irrational behavior : comportamiento irracional 10. Unconsciouss : inconciencia 11. Heavy exertion : esfuerzos intensos

4 General Information Heat cramps is caused by loss of salt. Heat exhaustion is caused by dehydration. Heat stroke is caused by shock. Early symptoms: Profuse sweating Fatigue Thirst Muscle cramps

5 Heat Emergencies Categories  Heat emergencies fall into 3 categories: 1. Heat Cramps 2. Heat Exhaustion 3. Heat Stroke 

6 Heat Cramps  Definition : Muscular pain and spasms due to heavy exertion. Involve the abdominal muscle or legs. Caused by loss of water and salt through sweating.

7 Heat Cramps Symptoms  Profuse sweating  Fatigue  Thirst  Muscle Cramps

8 Heat Exhaustion  Definition : It is caused by fluid loss. Blood flow decrease in vital organs. Resulting in a form of shock.

9 Heat Exhaustion Symptoms Headache Dizziness Weakness Nausea and vomiting Cool, moist skin Dark urine

10 Heat Stroke  Definition :  Occurs when the body’s heat regulating mechanism fails.  Body temperature rises so high develop : Brain damage Death

11 Heat Stroke Symptoms Fever (temperature above 104 º F) Irrational behavior Extreme confusion Dry, red and hot skin Rapid, weak pulse Seizures Unconsciousness

12 Heat Emergencies Causes Alcohol use Dehydration Heat disease High temperatures or humidity Medication such as :  Diuretics  Neuroleptics  Phenothiazines  Anticholinergics Prolonged or excessive exercise Sweat gland problems Too much clothing

13 Have the person lie down in a cool place. Apply cool water directly to the person´s skin. Apply cool compresses on the person´s neck, groin, and armpits. For muscle cramps, massage in affected muscles gently, but firmly, until the relaxing. If the person show signs of shock starts having seizures, or loses consciousness, call 911 and give first aid. Heat Emergencies Firs Aid

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