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Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment (GRAME) Aspects of the physical environment relevant to the workshop and drafting.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment (GRAME) Aspects of the physical environment relevant to the workshop and drafting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment (GRAME) Aspects of the physical environment relevant to the workshop and drafting the first integrated Report of the Regular Process

2 Introduction Planet, oceans and life – review of relevant aspects of physical oceanography, ocean basin geomorphology Ecosystem Services Hydrological cycle - sea level, salinity, nutrients, heat transport (Humbolt current); El Nino Sea/air interaction- air quality, meteorological events, acidification, El Nino Ocean-sourced carbonate production – sediment supply to atolls Fisheries – El Nino; Larvae dispersal; upwelling zones; associations with water masses; acoustic mapping of seafloor disturbance

3 Shipping - noise Solid waste disposal – dispersal by waves and currents Ports – disposal of dredge spoil, hydraulic effects of channel dredging Marine debris – dispersal by waves and currents Submarine cables & pipelines - hydraulic effects Physical changes – changed sediment transport patterns, hydraulic effects, erosion-deposition patterns Land-based inputs – changes to river discharge resulting from land-clearing/dam-building; changes to estuarine circulation; habitat loss from coastal development Tourism & recreation – changes to surfing waves Offshore hydrocarbon industries – PFW plume dispersal; oil spill dispersal; cuttings/drilling mud dispersal

4 Other marine-based energy – optimise locations for tide, wave and wind power installations Defence – noise Offshore mining – quantify habitat disturbance/loss, dispersal of sediment Desalinization – T and S of discharge water; modelling of plume dispersal Habitats Coral reefs – cold-water coral association with seamounts and submarine canyons Mangroves – land clearing Seagrass and Kelp – substrate type Hydrothermal vents – seafloor mapping Seamounts, plateaus, banks – seafloor mapping

5 1. Useful existing assessments and techniques 2. Important unassessed data 3. Data gaps that need to be addressed 4. Valuable existing assessment capabilities 5. Important needs for capacity building

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