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Founded in 1906 by Nahum Kolmanok; 1913 – merging with bulb factory “Light”. As a result, “Russian electric lamp” manufacture was established; 1921 –

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2 Founded in 1906 by Nahum Kolmanok; 1913 – merging with bulb factory “Light”. As a result, “Russian electric lamp” manufacture was established; 1921 – the year of foundation of the Moscow Association of Electro-Lamp Factories; July 27, 1931 – Bernard Shaw visits MELZ; 1930s – MELZ masters production of tantalum; 1940 – MELZ exports 5 million bulbs to England; 1942 – MELZ starts manufacturing cathode-ray tubes for radio-locators; 1946 – establishment of special design bureau (OKB MELZ); 1955 – development of production line for luminescence lamps; 1969 – association is being officially named MELZ; 1974 – MELZ starts manufacturing missile guidance systems; 1977 – MELZ initiates production process for electro-vacuum devices: image intensifier tubes and photo-multiplier tubes; 1979 – launching pilot production of optical masers. By 1980, MELZ products had already been exported to more than thirty countries and its association included more than 10 industrial factories.


4 PRODUCT LINE IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBES NIGHT VISION DEVICES IIT of 2 generation (25 mm photocathode diameter) IIT of 2+ generation (18 mm photocathode diameter) Ultraviolet image intensifier Black&white image intensifiers (2 and 2+) Digital IITs binoculars monoculars gogglesscopes PHOTO- MULTIPLIER TUBES High-temeperature PMT Ultraviolet PMT Spectral photomultipliers for photon scaling Microchannel PMT Supershort photomultipliers with special protection from external magnetic fields



7 AREAS OF APPLICATION medical diagnostics photon detectorshigh-energy physicscosmic ray physicsastrophysics geophysical and nuclear research photo- and radiospectroscopy

8 Basing diagram


10 Oscillogram of intrinsic noise and interference on the output photodetector FPU110, with installed photomultiplier R6094, serial number RJ3423. The amplitude of the output voltage of the 1st channel is Vout = 12 ± 1 mV. Oscillogram of intrinsic noise and interference on the output photodetector FPU110, with installed photomultiplier FEU 85BH, serial number 6BH. The amplitude of the output voltage of the 1st channel is Vout = 12 ± 1 mV.



13 Signal of FEU 85BH at 500 V, serial number 5B. Signal-to noise ratio = 2,6 Signal of PMT R60942 at 500 V. Signal-to noise ratio = 3 Signal of FEU 85BH at 600 V, serial number 5B. Signal-to noise ratio = 2,3 Signal of PMT R60942 at 600 V. Signal-to noise ratio = 2,1




17 Manufacturing technology of FEU 85BH was designed taking into account operating voltages of photodetectors in the range of 550- 750V. For the photodetectors with operating voltages, exceeding maximum value of specified range, we use different technology, that is applied in manufacturing process of FEU 85-4 and FEU 115M series, which will be mentioned later on. As regards to FEU 85BH, the above comparisons, particularly dark characteristics, gain, signal-to-noise ratio, give us an opportunity to claim that FEU 85BH does not differ from R6094 in essence and is constructively interchangeable for it, and those slight discrepancies are not to be taken into account. This is clearly shown by signal-to-noise ratio comparisons: at 550V FEU 85BH has higher value of this parameter than R6094, while at 750V it’s signal-to-noise ratio figure is lower by a proportional amount. On average, over the full range of measurements the difference in SNR values is less than 18%.

18 Tube diameter 52 mm Tube length 105 mm Photocathode sizes Ø3 inch (spherical form) Photocathode type K2CsSb Spectral response 350 – 600 nm Spectral sensitivity, up to 130 m А / Вт 405 nm Dynode type trough-shaped Number of dynodes 10 Multiplication at maximum ≥ 5×10 6 voltage (1500 V) Single photoelectron pulse ≤ 5 ns width at 10% level Single photoelectron time jitter 3,5 ns (FWHM)


20 Photo of PMT (PMT KF) with sizes of photocathode Ø40×200mm 2, evaporated aluminum corbels are intended for leveling electric potential along the photocathode. Photo of scintillator of 50×200×1000 mm 3 with the PMT KF introduced inside the scintillator body. KF introduced inside the scintillator body.

21 Currently, we’re working on developing and manufacturing of photomultipliers based on FEU 85 and FEU 115M with flat-concave input window. They will be produced with bialkali photocathode with different number of gain stages and corresponding connection leads which fully correspond to both Russian and international standards (like FEU 85BH). That will allow us to realize import substitution program to the full extent. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that scintillation photomultipliers of MELZ production used in high energy physics, astrophysics, medical diagnostics, as well as in many other areas of science and industry are able to meet wide range of needs depending on individual preferences of each customer.


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