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 Stress: Force per unit area  Strain: Change in length/area/volume to original length/area/volume  Rocks are subjected to great forces- particularly.

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Presentation on theme: " Stress: Force per unit area  Strain: Change in length/area/volume to original length/area/volume  Rocks are subjected to great forces- particularly."— Presentation transcript:

1  Stress: Force per unit area  Strain: Change in length/area/volume to original length/area/volume  Rocks are subjected to great forces- particularly at plate margins  Compression- converging plate boundary  Tension- diverging plate boundary  Shearing- transform plate boundary  Strain- rocks response to stress Chapter 9 Folds, Faults,and Mountains

2 Three types of stresses

3 Types of Deformation ELASTIC DEFORMATION BRITTLE FAILURE PLASTIC DEFORMATION Elastic deformation  deformation not permanent (minor amount of stress) Brittle  stress amount exceeds the yield point or elastic limit Plastic (Ductile) deformation  stress applied gradually to deep warm rocks

4 Elastic Deformation

5 Plastic Deformation

6 Brittle Failure

7 Folding at Converging Plate Boundaries

8 Factors affecting rock deformation Intensity of Applied Stree Lithostatic Pressure Heat  leads to stretching of rocks at near Earth’s surface without breaking  at depth- plastic deformation Time Composition – different minerals have different strength

9 Deformed rocks in the field Most apparent in Sedimentary Rocks Importance of deformation – Indicate Past Plate Motions – Indicates other Past Geological Events – Locates Specific Natural Resources – Rock Orientation: Strike and Dip

10 Interpretation of Rock Deformation- Folds In describing folds, need to know the orientation of the rock in space- STRIKE and the angle at which rock is inclined to the horizontal- DIP Folds- rocks deform plastically (most occur at convergent plates)  Syncline- trough-like  Anticline- arch-like  Types of folds- symmetrical, broad, open, overturn, recumbent Basin  Rock deformation that is bowl shaped. Domes  Rock deformation that is ova-shaped bulges

11 Geometry of anticlines and synclines

12 Artificial valleys and synclinal ridges

13 Artificial valleys and synclinal ridges- contd.

14 Various folds – Symmetrical (open)

15 Various Folds - Assymetrical

16 Various Folds - Overturned

17 Various Folds - Recumbent

18 Various Folds - Plunging

19 Structural Domes and Basins

20 Faults A fracture is a break in a rock (joint or a fault) Joints: Fractures with no relative movement Fault is when there is relative movement along the break Fault Types  Strike-Slip fault  horizontal movement (transform plate boundary)  Dip-Slip fault  Normal (tensional stress)  Reserve (compressional stress)  Thrust (low angle reserve fault)  Oblique (combination of strike-slip & dip-slip)

21 Evidence of Faults Visible displacement of rocks Pulverized rock Slickensides Discontinuity of Rock Sequences Types of Faults: – Strike-Slip Fault – Dip-Slip Fault

22 Fault Planes

23 Fault Disruption

24 Map of San Andreas Fault

25 Horizontal movement along strike-slip fault

26 Dip-slip Fault

27 Mid-Atlantic Ridge

28 Plate Tectonics and Faulting Normal Faults: Mid-Ocean Ridge & Continental Rifts Reverse and Thrust Faults: Convergent Plate Boundaries Strike-Slip Faults: Transform Boundaries

29 Geology at a Glance

30 Oblique Slip

31 Correlation of different fault types

32 Accumulation of Oil & Natural Gas

33 Accumulation of oil along fault planes

34 A terrace-producing scenario

35 The mountain ranges of North America

36 A terrace-producing scenario

37 Provinces of the Applachian mountain system

38 Mountainbelt collapsing

39 Mountainbelt collapsing-contd.

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