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Unit 2: Tectonic Process Ms. Thind.   Rocks under pressure or tension fracture under strain  If movement takes place along a fracture a rift is formed.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: Tectonic Process Ms. Thind.   Rocks under pressure or tension fracture under strain  If movement takes place along a fracture a rift is formed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: Tectonic Process Ms. Thind

2   Rocks under pressure or tension fracture under strain  If movement takes place along a fracture a rift is formed  faulting  Landforms produced by faulting: Normal Fault, Reverse or Thrust Fault, Rift Valley or Graben, and Block Mountain or Horst Faulting:

3   Along the line of a fault one section of rock may be forced down to create a fault scarp (fault cliff)  Tension (think stretching of rock) results in a normal fault What does this look like? *take out a sheet of paper* Normal Fault

4  6/SolidEarth/activities/geologylab/faultingandfoldin g/earth-processes/faulting.htm

5   Along the line of a fracture one section of rock is pushed upward as a result of compression (pushing together) 6/SolidEarth/activities/geologylab/faultingandfoldin g/earth-processes/faulting-r.htm What does this look like? Reverse or Thrust Fault

6   Blocks that have been elevated on a much larger scale form mountain ranges called fault block mountains or horsts formed by tension What does this look like? Block Mountain or Horst

7   Faulting may cause blocks to slip down and form steep sided rift valleys called grabens caused by tension What does this look like? Rift Valley or Graben

8   When two tectonic plates collide the rock layers fold and squeeze together over a long period of time because of increasing pressure  Upfolds are called anticlines  Downfolds are called synclines Folding


10   rc/content/investigations/es1106/es1106page02.cfm rc/content/investigations/es1106/es1106page02.cfm

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