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HTML_Generators WB_HTML_Generators. What method are you going to choose to build your web page? MethodWrite Convert Html IssuesHTML HTML Editors Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML_Generators WB_HTML_Generators. What method are you going to choose to build your web page? MethodWrite Convert Html IssuesHTML HTML Editors Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML_Generators WB_HTML_Generators

2 What method are you going to choose to build your web page? MethodWrite Convert Html IssuesHTML HTML Editors Tool Quality Package Source Integration Publish Other Consider your project as an example for any web project. What are the advantages and disadvantages for each method /issue?

3 Methods: Write HTML - use an ASCII editor to write HTML code directly. Get source materials and examples from the Web and integrate. Convert HTML - Use another product generation to build your presentation and evoke an automatic converter HTML Editors - Use a tool specifically built to generate HTML and facilitate web page features

4 Issues Tool - cost, availability, features, reliability Quality- does it produce the Package- directory and file structure, material handling, backup, transfer, Source - How easy is it to get and integrate Integrationmaterial from other Web sources? Publish- how easy is it to place and update material on the WWW server? Other- learning curve, popularity,

5 We’ll discuss the following 4 Write HTML –Ascii Editor and Integration –Getting stuff from the Web 4 Converters –Word –Power Point 4 Editors –Microsoft Front Page Express –There are many others Dreamweaver MX Eversoft 1st Page 2000

6 Get Material from the web and integrate. Find material on the web Right click:Save as GIF,jpeg, etc Source: Cut and paste HTML Screen copy Image editor Image file Integrate into your HTML document using an ASCII or ( be careful) an HTML editor Image file

7 Example MS Word 4 Simple text documents in Word can be saved as a web page –File->Save as Web Page –File-> Web Page Preview 4 How do document features translate? –Test a page with text, bullets, tables figures and imbedded objects

8 Word2WebTest 4 Word file HTML file

9 Things to watch out for 4 Simple Single pages work well 4 Complex pages generate a sub-directory with many support files. 4 Source is accessible but hard to read –Uses XML –Hard to edit and add features 4 May not work with all browsers

10 Powerpoint 4 MS slide presentation tool allows presentations to be saved as html documents 4 Example this presentation translates to Navigation frame Note Format error Slide Frame

11 Front Page 4 Microsoft Web Page Authoring tool 4 Available to students at no charge see helpdesk 4 Provides support for building Webs includes –Entering text, images, frames, style sheets –Input forms, ASP, Dynamic HTML –Publishing If Server is Frontpage enabled

12 FrontPage Installation 4 Get MS Frontpage 2000 CD’s from helpdesk 4 Run setup as administrator, license key on CD’s, runs in 5 minutes 4 Reboot 4 Microsoft Frontpage Should now appear In your programs menu

13 Frontpage Hello Web! 4 Open front page, create a web 4 You will get a default directory –My Webs –_private –_vti_cnf –_vti_pvt –Images 4 Open a new file 4 Type “hello Web!” 4 View Html source 4 Save as hello_web click

14 Frontpage: Local Publishing 4 Bring up Frontpage and open a web –Example RootExample.htm 4 File->Publish Web … –Browse for the directory on your local machine into which you want to place your web Example: StudentExampleDirectory/YournameDirectory 4 Click Publish

15 Frontpage Local Publish(cont) 4 Frontpage will add several directories and the page(s) in your web project to the directory you have selected Click on your root page to test your web

16 Publishing on The Class Page 1)Map to Class page directory 2) Start Frontpage ->File ->open Web -> 3) navigate to your directory 4) Open and edit files IF YOU CAN NOT PUBLISH DIRECTLY TO CLASS PAGE ALTERNATIVES-I

17 Publishing on The Class Page 1) Build your web locally My Webs/ TestWeb –_ private –_vti_cnf –_vti_pvt – Images index.htm 2) Copy your Web and all sub directories to YourNameDirectory on the class page 3) Run Frontpage and Open your Web ALTERNATIVES II

18 Dreamweaver MX 4 LINK Reference 4 Download trial version –Dreamweaver MX-build webs –ColdFusion MX Server –ColdFusion MX for J2EE –Fireworks MX-web graphics –Macromedia Flash MX –Macromedia Flash Remoting MX –Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX –Macromedia FreeHand 10 – Build Illustrations

19 Eversoft 1st Page 2000 4 Pros: Easy to use, and supports far more than just HTML, free  Cons: Not for managing large websites  1st Page 2000 is a professional HTML editing software which lets you create great websites fast! The visually appealing program comes bundled with over 450+ Javascripts and supports all the latest web languages. To learn the benefits and features of 1st Page take the product tour or visit the download center to get yourself a 100% free licensed copy. tourdownload center 4 Download and installs automatically

20 http://develo Download for free

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