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Just Enough HTML How to Create Basic HTML Documents.

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Presentation on theme: "Just Enough HTML How to Create Basic HTML Documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just Enough HTML How to Create Basic HTML Documents

2 The World Wide Web The World Wide Web is a collection of millions of documents which reside on the internet and are written in HTML

3 What is HTML? HyperText Markup Language A Language for formatting web documents Features: – Hypertext – links within pages that lead to other web pages on the internet – Universality – virtually any computer can read any web page (but not necessarily in the same way)

4 Writing HTML Can use any text editor or word processor Can also use web page editing software such as FrontPage Web Page editing software simply generates an HTML text document for you Document formatting is specified using HTML Tags.

5 Writing HTML Tags are commands written between angle brackets Many commands require opening and closing tags. Closing tags use the same command word preceded by a slash: – Hello world! This is my web page. Many tags have attributes that add additional formatting to the text. Many attributes can have values – My Classes:

6 Starting Your Web Page Appears in the title bar and is used by search engines

7 The Body of the Web Page  Text Tags  Font Size and Color  Headings  Paragraphs  Line breaks and Extra space  Background Color  Linking to other Pages  Adding images to your Web Page

8 Text Tags Bold text: Example: Hello It will show up on your page like: Hello Italics: Example: Hello It will show up on your page like: Hello Underline text: Example: Hello It will show up on your page like: Hello Center text:

9 Font Size and Color text to change "x" will be replaced by a number with a + or - sign in front of it Examples: Text to make bigger It will show up on your page like: Text to make bigger Text to make smaller It will show up on your page like: Text to make smaller

10 Font Size and Color We replace “color” with a color name or hexadecimal color value Examples: Hello It will show up on your page like: Hello Hello It will show up on your page like: Hello For more colors and hexadecimal codes:

11 Font Size and Color You can also use size and color declarations inside the same tag: Hello It will show up on your page like: Hello

12 Headings Six levels of headers – lowest numbers are largest font. My favorite websites Headers can ALIGN center, right or left. Spring 2004

13 Paragraphs New paragraph: (can also ALIGN right, left, or center) The paragraph tag does not require a closing tag since it will end whenever a new paragraph tag is encountered. Example: This is Paragraph 1 This is Paragraph 2 This is Paragraph 1 This is Paragraph 2 =

14 Line breaks and extra space The tag for a line break is. When you insert this tag in your document, the contents will go to the next line. The tag does not need a closing tag Example: Hello Hello again! It will show up on your page like: Hello Hello again!

15 Line breaks and extra space Space: Example: To place 3 additional spaces between “Hello” and “World!” Hello World!

16 Some Body tags attributes Background Color: Using an image as background: To choose a default color for text, set the TEXT attribute in the BODY tag –

17 Images, links, etc. Horizontal Rule (a dividing line): – – 10 specifies the height in pixels Insert an image onto the page: – Links to other Web pages: – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

18 Images, links, etc. Comments are text that wont show up on the page – Begin comment <!-- – End comment -->

19 Saving and Viewing Save file as index.html View by opening your web browser, selecting File -> Open ->path to index.html After the permissions have been set so that the page is viewable by anyone on the internet, view by opening browser and typing in your URL in the address text box. –

20 References

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