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Working at the Operational Center Coordinating Youth Services California Youth Council Institute May 14 - 15, 2002.

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1 Working at the Operational Center Coordinating Youth Services California Youth Council Institute May 14 - 15, 2002

2 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 2 Common Approaches to ISS

3 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 3 Systemic case management 4 C/M is a client-centered, goal-oriented process for assessing needs youth and connecting youth to services, often across institutional boundaries 4 Systemic C/M specifically designed to ensure continuity, overcome fragmentation and inaccessibility 4 Most agencies are specialized; C/M is a way to organize all services

4 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 4 Five principles of Case Management 4 Be customer focused--C/M puts the interests of the customer first 4 Youth participates--mutual planning process 4 Anchored to the community--not to the office 4 Strong relationship with youth/client 4 Provide for accountability--work with youth, follow through on commitments, document progress

5 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 5 A case manager works to: 4 Identify and prioritize personal strengths and needs, and translate them into a set of realistic goals 4 Develop a plan of action based on goals 4 Access resources to pursue goals 4 Help client complete services 4 Help client access services on his own

6 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 6 Comprehensive Assessment 4 Immediate: food/shelter 4 Crisis intervention 4 Prior service history 4 Long term survival skills 4 Long-term day-to-day family and living needs 4 Employment/skill needs 4 Education/skill needs 4 Medical/health needs 4 Substance abuse issues 4 Social skills 4 Support network 4 Transportation needs 4 Child care needs 4 Legal needs 4 Personal security issues 4 Other skills, strengths, or barriers

7 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 7 Criteria for goal-setting 4 Client must feel ownership -- mutual agreement 4 Goal must be specific (NB: achievement) 4 Goal have sequence of short term objectives 4 Some goals focus on changing self-defeating behavior 4 Goals: achievable; success-oriented; quantifiable, measurable, observable 4 Works when youth can restate them clearly

8 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 8 Individual Service Strategy 4 ISS is a process AND a form -- don’t mix ‘em up 4 Shows where the youth is now and where s/he wants to go 4 Set up sequence of actions and interventions designed to get the youth to the desired outcome 4 Review goals -- to accommodate changes

9 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 9 Content of case plan 4 Long-term goals 4 Short-term objectives 4 Services needed, including organizations 4 Tasks for case manager, youth, and family members (or others) 4 Skills youth must learn to be more in control of his case 4 Time frames/schedules 4 Schedule for subsequent contacts with case manager 4 Schedule to review the plan 4 Projected exit date 4 Consequences of breaking contract 4 Signatures

10 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 10 System Implications Case manager functions at the client level need a system context to work well: 8 develop a network of contacts 8 convene players/agencies 8 learn how other agencies work 8 identify service gaps and ways to fill them 8 system-wide networking 8 inform leaders how systems are responding to client needs

11 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 11 C/M at Systems Level 4 C/M is a strategy for coordinating provision of services across the system 4 The System = linked institutions: 8 broad selection of services as needed 8 allows case managers to know what they can and cannot promise 8 seek services across organizational lines 8 provides options if services don’t work out

12 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 12 Developmental issues with C/M 4 Leadership thinks C/M is only for line staff 4 Hard to find C/M who can regularly access services across agency lines 4 Line staff lacks power to develop cross-line systems 4 Youth who has more than one service plan is prone to fail without coordination 4 Coordination of plans requires formal cross- agency process

13 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 13 Critical C/M policies (1) 4 Ask youth if they are being served elsewhere 4 Contact the other agency to let them know 4 Find out what the ‘other’ plan is 4 Develop services that complement the other plan 4 Actively seek to share client information (NB: confidentiality is not a weapon) 4 Designate a ‘lead’ case manager

14 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 14 Options: The Generalist C/M 4 One case manager responsible for all C/M functions 4 Each youth relates to a single person 4 C/M coordinates with many agencies 4 C/M needs basic grasp of how each institution operates, and have contacts in all agencies

15 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 15 Options: The Specialist C/M 4 C/M happens in teams 4 Each C/M has special expertise or works for a specific agency 4 Each C/M looks after a single service 4 Need systematic process for communicating across C/M

16 Petal 1 Petal 4 Petal 3 Petal 2 CM 1 CM2CM4 CM3 Specialist Case Manager Team Model

17 CM Petal 1 CM Petal 4 CM Petal 3 CM Petal 2 Virtual/Partnership Team Model

18 Petal 1Petal 4Petal 3Petal 2 Centralized Partnership Team Model CM

19 TYC & courts Teen Parents Academic Support Career dev Boys & Girls Club Summer Jobs Big Brothers School- to-career Foster care Assessment, ISS, Case Mgmt, Follow-up

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