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Welcome to Lincoln-Eliot 3 rd Grade Open House October 2, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Lincoln-Eliot 3 rd Grade Open House October 2, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Lincoln-Eliot 3 rd Grade Open House October 2, 2008

2 Mrs. Gueye Room 258 Contact me at:

3 For Your Information For Your Information Arrival 8:20 a.m. Dismissal 3:00 p.m. (MWThF) 12:30 (T) 12:30 (T) Lunch 1:20-1:50 p.m. Daily snack and drink is needed Parent Conferences Oct. 21-Nov. 6 Please check my web page for additional information and educational sites for your child:

4 Specials Monday 11:30-12:00 Music 11:30-12:00 Music 12:00-12:30 PE 12:00-12:30 PEWednesday 11:15-11:45 Recorders Thursday 11:00-11:30 PE 11:30-12:00 LibraryFriday 11:15-12:15 Art

5 Homework Please check in red Homework Folder for Assignment Sheet Reading Log—read for 20 minutes Math Log—math facts for 10 minutes SpellingVocabulary Practice Recorder 15 minutes a week

6 Reading Independent Reading Guided Reading Shared Reading Fundations (phonics)

7 Math Number and Numeration Operations and Computation Data and Chance MeasurementGeometry Patterns, Functions, and Algebra

8 Writing Small Moments Paragraph Writing Letters Writing Process: brainstorming, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing brainstorming, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing

9 Science TreesWeather Towers and Tents Water Cycle and States of Matter States of Matter Mystery Powders Amphibians

10 Social Studies What is History? Massachusetts Geography The Wampanoag Story The Pilgrim Story Colonial Life

11 Field Trips Arnold Arboretum…October Plimoth Plantation…April Beach…June

12 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Dates: Reading (3 sessions) Reading (3 sessions) Anytime between March 30-April 14 Math (2 sessions) Math (2 sessions) Anytime between May 11-May 28 Anytime between May 11-May 28

13 Third Graders ZacharyChristineConnorGaryAshlynPatrickMadelineJamesMichaelElijahCrystalRobinRoseAndyAhrmaniEmmaAmandaAlbarJoe

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