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Welcome 4th Grade Superheroes!!. Curriculum Night Riggs Elementary Miss Marianella Fourth Grade 2013/2014 School Year.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 4th Grade Superheroes!!. Curriculum Night Riggs Elementary Miss Marianella Fourth Grade 2013/2014 School Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 4th Grade Superheroes!!

2 Curriculum Night Riggs Elementary Miss Marianella Fourth Grade 2013/2014 School Year

3 I am an Arizona native!!! I attended Arizona State University where I received my B.A. in Elementary Education and Northern Arizona University where I received my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. This year will be my tenth year teaching and second year as a part of the Riggs family. I am looking forward to building a community within our classroom, where each student’s passion for learning can blossom. When I am not in the classroom, I love to spend time with my family and friends. I also love to read, travel, go the movies, and visiting the BEST theme park in the world….DISNEYLAND! I am looking forward to an excellent year and I am excited to be your student’s teacher! I’m also looking forward to meeting everyone, and working together to make this year incredible!

4 Our Classroom Community Family School and TeachersStudents “It takes a village to raise a child.” ~ African Proverb

5 Miss Marianella’s Class Mission All children in our class work together to create an environment where every student is comfortable and willing to take risks. Our classroom community works together, with great enthusiasm, to achieve lessons and curriculum that is interesting and attainable to ALL students. All students develop a love of learning!

6 Parent Communication Daily Agenda Weekly Newsletters (emailed home) Specials Calendars - Monthly Our Website – School Website – Voicemail – (480) 224-3469 Email – Please call the office for “same day” messages.

7 Grading Daily Work/Quizzes/Tests Observation/Participation Average of Scores Rubrics used for Writing and Projects A = 90 - 100% B = 80 - 89% C = 70 - 79% D = 60 - 69% F = Below 59% * Access your child’s grades on Infinite Campus!

8 Continuing Common Core Standards were developed by the highest state standards from across the country; Are clear, understandable, and consistent; Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills; Are informed by other top-performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society; Are research-based. More than 50% of state and national assessments are informational text.

9 Mathematics Scott Foresman Series Supplemental Material Focus Area –Multiplication / Division –Fractions –Number Sense –Measurement –Geometry Home Support Needed: Multiplication & Division Facts (0-12’s)

10 Math Instruction Using DOK to achieve higher levels of reasoning. Caleb’s basketball team scored 57 points during the first half of the game. They scored 49 points during the second half of the game. The opposing team scored 66 points. By how many points did Caleb’s team win? Old tests: 25 + x = 72 x = ___ What is the value of 8 in the number 835,976? New tests: According to the order of operations rule which of these number sentences is not true? a. (11 x 6) + 10 = 76 b. 2 x (17 - 8) = 9 c. (5 + 11) / 4 = 4 d. (9 x 3) / 3 = 9

11 Language Arts –A. Literature Studies –B. Teacher Instructed Reading –C. Small Group - Centers –D. Harcourt –E. Accelerated Reader (AR) –F. AR Creative Book Reports* –G. Informational Text – Time for Kids Vocabulary Strategies Fluency Critical Thinking Strategies Literacy Elements Comprehension Strategies

12 Written Expression / Writing Application Focus Areas Functional (letters, directions, recipes) Literary Response Persuasive (ad, paragraph) Research Expressive (narrative) & Expository (info/observation) Ideas and ContentConventionsOrganizationSentence Fluency Word ChoiceVoicePresentation + Six Writing Traits + 1

13 Spelling and Vocabulary Spelling – Sitton, Harcourt, and Common Core content words Spelling and vocabulary words will be assessed through assignments Embedded across the curriculum

14 Computers Technology will be incorporated in various areas of the curriculum. Media Specialist - Ms. Sanders Instruction Projects

15 Thinking Maps Each map is linkd to a specific thought process. By connecting a visual design with a specific thought process, students create mental visual patterns for thinking.

16 Weekly (emailed every Friday and due the following Friday) Homework Accelerated Reader (AR) & AR Book Reports

17 Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement Earn and Return Cards Class Compliments Individual “Zap” Sticks Preferred Activity Time (PAT) - Fridays Misconduct Ticket / Office Caught in the Act

18 Tax Credit Tax Credit $$ - full refund $400 married $200 single $$ is used for extra curricular activities. Field Trip Opportunities –AZ State Capitol, Black Stallion Literary Project; Boyce Thompson Arboretum, AZ Historical Museum –Speakers (Desert Wildlife Presentation, Living History Actors, Science is Fun)

19 Miscellaneous Dress code Supplies Daily Snacks - Healthy - *Allergy Awareness Water Bottles Birthdays - treats must be store bought and ready to serve with napkins provided Volunteers

20 THANK YOU FOR COMING! I’m looking forward to a wonderful year with you and your child!

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