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“Outreach & Dissemination” plans for PACMAN PACMAN meeting of 7 April 2014, Michele Modena.

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Presentation on theme: "“Outreach & Dissemination” plans for PACMAN PACMAN meeting of 7 April 2014, Michele Modena."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Outreach & Dissemination” plans for PACMAN PACMAN meeting of 7 April 2014, Michele Modena

2 Page 2 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting My practical definition:  OUTREACH: the activity of bringing PACMAN and more general scientific information to a wide public not linked with the academic, industrial, etc. domains.  DISSEMINATION: the activity of promoting and disseminating the scientific and technical information and results of PACMAN research mainly to the scientific / technical domain.

3 Page 3 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting WHY ?  It was a great opportunity and an honour to have been selected by the 7 th EC Framework program, and it is a primary duty of PACMAN and of CERN (publicly funded Organization) to put in place an adequate and efficient O&D program. This aspect is strongly encouraged by the EC.  It is a vital necessity for the public and private research domains to tickle the interest of students and scholars and to try to transmit the knowledge and enthusiasm for the scientific and technical domain.  The selection process of PACMAN has showed that the question of female representation in science is still an open problem. O&D actions may help to correct this unbalance.

4 Page 4 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting Some O&D actions done or already planned: I. Construction of a WEBSITE of the project (now available since May 2013): The site will be used for the internal communication and dissemination (ESRs, Partners, CERN, others). It will also serve for O&D as a display towards the external world.  Up to now it was used mainly for : - General information: about the project existence, scope, etc. - For Partners: showing who is in the program - For PhD candidates: to know about the opening of the recruitment phases and to apply to the program (via a link to the dedicated CERN HR Page for recruitment)  We will start now a more complete use of it. Alexandra has already implemented changes in this sense (ex. individual students presentation pages).

5 Page 5 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting

6 Page 6 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting Some O&D actions are already fix as milestones of the general PACMAN plan: I. Three main Workshops are planned: They will be the main opportunities for scientific networking inside the network. On these occasions, you, supervisors and associated Partners scientific staff will meet together for few days and discuss the scientific findings and shortcomings of the network research activities. The final workshop will conclude the project: experts from outside the project will be invited from universities, laboratories and industry.

7 Page 7 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting The PACMAN implementation program propose several possible O&D actions:  1. Participation to conferences  2. University & Marie Curie ambassadors  3. School exhibitions:  4. CERN Visits  5. Researchers Nights and other Special CERN events.  6. PACMAN Open Days  7. Women in Science/at CERN  8. Others (to be defined/finalized).

8 Page 8 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  1. Participation to conferences (the standard individual way of dissemination of Project results for each student): As presented by Nuria, each student will have a dedicated plan (CDP) including participation to Conferences relevant for the domain of his/her specialties. Beside their personal presentations, the student will promote (poster, stand, etc.) the general PACMAN program, image, networking, EC programs, etc.

9 Page 9 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  2. University & Marie Curie ambassadors: Dedicated dissemination actions are planned to be done at each ESR enrolment university: The students will present to the university community the PACMAN program, giving details on: -The scope of the project -details on the the Seventh EC Framework Marie Curie Programme (structure, funding context, etc.) -Potential new and long term evolution possibilities.

10 Page 10 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  3. School exhibitions: outreach actions will be taken with local schools of different grade and training outlook. The PhD students will take the role of presenters. Reminder: we have to bring the interest of the young students generations towards the scientific and technical domains. Recent statistics are clear: with respect to near past there is a relative decrease of attention and interest for the scientific and research activities. -We plan to develop and bring to schools in the vicinity of CERN outreach actions (presentations, laboratory practice, colloquia with key persons in the scientific world, etc…). -Similar actions could be plan in some of the countries of origin of the students.

11 Page 11 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  4. CERN Visits: CERN has a well established program of visits for the general public with visits to CERN installation and exhibitions (ex the Microcosm). The PACMAN students will be enrolled in the program as Guides also in order to develop and train their communication and outreach skills. This activity is organized in a well structured and planned scheme by the CERN Communication Group.

12 Page 12 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  5. Researchers Nights and other special CERN events:. CERN also organizes other Outreach actions, (ex. the “Researcher nights” at the end of September). Other actions like the “Open Days” are done less frequently. When the case, PACMAN students will be “enrolled as volunteers” in these outreach events and will participate actively to the organization collaborating with the CERN Communication Group. (for ex. see at:

13 Page 13 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  6. PACMAN Open Days: A specific PACMAN “Open Days” session will be organized during the program. The event time will be chosen depending on the development achieved and in order to have the most successful global O&D value. Aim will be to provide a clear vision of the status of the project looking backward to what has been achieved and forward to what still has to be obtained as global and individual results.

14 Page 14 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  7. Women in Science / at CERN: we plan to promote/participate in actions supported by CERN and UN on this sensitive and critical outreach aspect (see at: The aspect of the inadequate representation of women in science is of concern for the PACMAN management. Several actions are on-going in this contest under the aegis of CERN, UN and other International Organizations. The example of “Expand Your Horizons” :

15 Page 15 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  7. Women on Science/at CERN: “Expand Your Horizons”

16 Page 16 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting  8. Others: we plan to promote/participate in actions supported by CERN toward Students formations, ex:

17 Page 17 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting Other actions to be defined/finalized:  Ex. Specific dissemination events with EUSPEN, METAS, etc.  Some other possible outreach activities as suggested by EC: Public Talks, TV Talks, Podcasts and Articles in Newspapers: recruited researchers give a public talk/TV interview or write an article in the local newspaper about the results of the project and how these results could be relevant to the general public. e-Newsletters: recruited researchers develop a web-based document to be released on the internet for the attention of the public at large (e.g. Wikipedia). (…we expect also proposals, suggestions and help from you!...)

18 Page 18 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting Publication Strategy (1): 1. During the project we will need to publish, archive and classify the Project advancements. The system will be structured with different hierarchical levels, and different level of distribution and confidentiality (General Public, PACMAN Members, Management Team and Supervisory Board). The classification and archiving will be done through the EDMS (Engineering & Equipment Data Management System), the most standard and widely used document classification system provided by CERN. An simple internal revision procedure will be put in place in order to approve and release the technical notes. The technical publication will be accessible to the Project Members through the PACMAN WEB page.

19 Page 19 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting Publication Strategy (2): 2. A standard channel to publish the advancement of the work will be through reference Conferences. This system has the advantage to be the most official one and to bring added value to the students (with list of publications useful to their CVs). 3. Another channel that will be surely be utilized in the advanced phases of the Project will be the contribution to the CLIC Notes and the CERN A&T Sector Notes and Seminars. 4. Other channels will be linked to the specific events that will be organized at CERN and worldwide in the period 2014-2018. A practical website showing updated situation of future events plan can be found at:

20 Page 20 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting Summary: Each student (depending on his/her: language skills, cultural specificity, formation skills and interests) will be expected to actively participate in the O&D actions. A list of planned actions already exist and others will be planned in the future. We can count on supports of CERN IT (Information Technology) and DG–CO Teams and Resources for help in preparing and organizing the O&D actions. A Publication strategy is planned to provide efficient information circulating inside the Project and to guarantee the needed information and dissemination of information outside the Project. and to conclude….

21 Page 21 PACMAN Outreach & Dissemination plans, CERN 7 April 2014 Meeting Be aware!… the 1 st O&D action is quite SPECIAL and it is planned quite SOON (5 June): … The CERN Relay Race!

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